Further US Tapering and Looming Interest Rate Hike Impact on Indonesia

Kebijakan Federal Reserve

Para investor menanggapi hasil pertemuan FOMC: Further US Tapering and Looming Interest Rate Hike Impact on Indonesia

World Bank: March 2014 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Laporan Bank Dunia

Sikap Bank Dunia mengenai kondisi perekonomian Indonesia saat ini. World Bank: March 2014 Indonesia Economic Quarterly "Investment in Flux"

Bank Indonesia Optimistic on Posting Trade Surplus in February 2014

Neraca Perdagangan Februari

Setelah defisit perdagangan Januari 2014, Bank Indonesia Optimistic on Posting Trade Surplus in February 2014

 Infrastructure Development Update Indonesia: Trans-Sumatra Highway

Trans-Sumatra Highway

Meningkatkan kualitas infrastruktur di Indonesia. Infrastructure Development Update Indonesia: Trans-Sumatra Highway

Mineral Ore Export Ban Affects Production Rates of Freeport Indonesia

Larangan Ekspor Mineral

Apa dampak dari larangan ekspor? Mineral Ore Export Ban Affects Production Rates of Freeport Indonesia

Palm Oil Rich Indonesia Can Become a Global Force in the Biodiesel Industry

Industri Biodiesel

Pemerintah terfokus pada pengembangan industri biofuel dalam negeri: Palm Oil Rich Indonesia Can Become a Global Force in the Biodiesel Industry

Car Sales in Indonesia Grow 8.2% in February Backed by LCGC Demand

Penjualan Mobil Februari 2014

Penjualan mobil terus tumbuh kuat: Car Sales in Indonesia Grow 8.2% in February Backed by LCGC Demand

Commodity Update: Anticipating Higher Prices of Coffee, Palm Oil and Cacao

Update Komoditas

Cuaca berdampak pada harga komoditas tertentu. Commodity Update: Anticipating Higher Prices of Coffee, Palm Oil and Cacao

Wika Beton Sets Share Price at IDR 590 for IPO on Indonesia Stock Exchange

Penawaran Saham Perdana

Sebuah emiten baru siap mendaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia: Wika Beton Sets Share Price at IDR 590 for IPO on Indonesia Stock Exchange

Tourism in Indonesia: Terrorism, Infrastructure and Asean Common Visa

Pariwisata di Indonesia

Beberapa catatan tentang Tourism in Indonesia: Terrorism, Infrastructure and Asean Common Visa Disclaimer Copyright © Van der Schaar Investments B.V. Delft Netherlands
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