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Berita Hari Ini Current Account Balance

  • Bank Indonesia: Defisit Transaksi Berjalan Menjadi 1.86% dari PDB di Kuartal 3 Tahun 2015

    Neraca transaksi berjalan di Indonesia membaik karena neraca perdagangan non minyak & gas (migas) yang lebih kuat. Defisit transaksi berjalan Indonesia menurun menjadi 4,0 miliar dollar Amerika Serikat (AS), atau 1,86% dari Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB), di kuartal ketiga tahun 2015. Performa ini jauh lebih baik dari defisit 7,0 miliar dollar AS (3,02% dari PDB) yang tercatat di kuartal 3 tahun 2014 atau 4,2 miliar dollar AS (1,95% dari PDB) di kuartal 2 tahun 2015. Sementara itu, neraca pembayaran menunjukkan defisit sebesar 4,6 miliar dollar AS, naik dari defisit 2,93 miliar di kuartal sebelumnya.

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  • Current Account Deficit Indonesia Improves on Weak Imports

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced on Friday (14/08) that the country’s current account deficit narrowed to USD $4.48 billion, or 2.1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), in the second quarter of 2015. In the same quarter last year the deficit stood at USD $9.59 billion). As such, the current account deficit (CAD) has become more sustainable and this may provide some support for the rupiah which is currently facing tough times (ahead of a looming US interest rate and China’s yuan devaluation).

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  • Indonesia Mencatat Surplus Perdagangan Bulan Juni Namun Kekuatiran Berlanjut

    Indonesia mencatat surplus perdagangan 477 juta dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada bulan Juni 2015, surplus perdagangan ke-7 secara beruntun. Meskipun begitu, menurut data terakhir dari BPS, diterbitkan pada hari Rabu (14/07), ekspor Indonesia pada Juni ini jatuh 12,8% (year-on-year) menjadi 13,4 miliar dollar AS, sementara impor jatuh 17,4% (year-on-year) menjadi 12,9 miliar dollar AS. Angka-angka ini menunjukkan bahwa surplus perdagangan Indonesia terutama disebabkan oleh permintaan domestik yang lemah dan lebih melambat daripada permintaan global (yang terus melambat juga). Kondisi ini meningkatkan kekuatiran mengenai pertumbuhan perekonomian domestik dan global.

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  • Bank Indonesia Tak Ubah BI Rate pada 7,50% di Pertemuan Kebijakan Juni

    Sejalan dengan prediksi pasar, bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) tidak mengubah suku bunga acuannya (BI rate) yang tetap pada 7,50% di hari Kamis (18/06). Bank Indonesia tetap berkomitmen pada posisi moneternya yang relatif ketat dalam usaha melawa percepatan inflasi, membatasi defisit transaksi berjalan Indonesia yang lebar, dan mendukung rupiah yang sedang melemah. Bank sentral juga menetapkan tingkat fasilitas simpanan bank Indonesia (Fasbi) dan suku bunga lending facility masing-masing pada 5,50% dan 8,00%.

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  • Indonesia’s Current Account Deficit Improves to 1.8% of GDP in Q1-2015

    The central bank (Bank Indonesia) announced on Friday (15/05) that Indonesia’s current account deficit narrowed to USD $3.8 billion, or, 1.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2015. Although this result is slightly higher than Bank Indonesia’s estimation (1.6 percent of GDP), it was lower than the current account deficits in Q4-2014 (2.6 percent of GDP) or Q1-2014 (1.9 percent). This positive performance was mainly caused by a narrowing deficit in the country’s oil & gas trade balance.

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  • Pemerintah Indonesia Menawarkan Keringanan Pajak demi Transaksi Berjalan

    Pada Mei 2015 Pemerintah Indonesia akan menawarkan keringanan pajak pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang mengekspor minimal 30% dari produksi mereka. Pada awal bulan ini, Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo menandatangani sebuah paket kebijakan yang mencakup keringanan pajak untuk para eksportir dan juga keringanan pajak untuk perusahaan-perusahaan multinational yang bersedia mereinvestasi keuntungan di Indonesia daripada mengirimkan keuntungan dan dividen kepada para pemegang saham di luar negeri. Paket ini didesain untuk memperbaiki neraca perdagangan Indonesia (dan neraca transaksi berjalan).

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  • Bank Indonesia Expects to See an Improving Current Account in Q1-2015

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects that the country’s current account deficit has eased to 1.6 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2015. This estimate is lower than the institution’s initial forecast of 2 percent of GDP. Main reason for this more optimistic view is that Indonesia experienced a USD $2.43 billion trade surplus in the first quarter of 2015. Particularly the unexpectedly-wide USD $1.13 billion trade surplus in March will manage to ease pressures on the country’s current account.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia Update: BI Expects $500 Million February Surplus

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects that the country’s trade balance will show a USD $500 million surplus in February 2015 on the back of increased manufacturing exports, the higher price of crude palm oil, and lower oil imports. In January, Indonesia’s trade balance recorded a USD $710 million surplus, divided into a USD $748 million surplus in the non-oil & gas trade balance and a USD $38.6 million deficit in the oil & gas trade balance.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia: Import and Export Fall in January 2015

    Indonesia posted a USD $709.4 million trade surplus in January 2015 according to the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) released on Monday (16/02). Although the surplus is higher than expected and thus has a positive impact on the country’s trade and current account balances, the data also indicated that exports fell 8.09 percent year-on-year (y/y) to USD $13.30 billion signalling continued weakening global demand for Indonesian exports. Meanwhile, Indonesian imports shrank by 15.6 percent (y/y) to USD $12.59 billion.

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  • Current Account & Balance of Payments of Indonesia Improved in 2014

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced on Friday (13/02) that Indonesia’s current account deficit - the broadest measure of trade in goods and services - improved to 2.81 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), or USD $6.2 billion, in the fourth quarter of 2014 (from a revised 2.99 percent of GDP in the preceding quarter). The full-year 2014 deficit amounted to USD $26.2 billion, equivalent to 2.95 percent of GDP from a (revised) deficit of USD $29.1 billion (3.18 percent of GDP) in 2013.

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Artikel Terbaru Current Account Balance

  • Penjelasan Defisit Transaksi Berjalan Indonesia

    Sejak akhir 2011 Indonesia telah dibebani oleh defisit transaksi berjalan struktural yang menguatirkan baik para pembuat kebijakan maupun para investor (asing). Meskipun pihak berwenang di Indonesia telah mengimplementasikan reformasi kebijakan dan penyesuaian perekonomian di beberapa tahun terakhir, defisit transaksi berjalan Indonesia hanya sedikit berubah di 2015. Baik Bank Dunia maupun Bank Indonesia memprediksi bahwa defisit transaksi berjalan akan tetap berada sedikit di bawah 3% dari produk domestik bruto (PDB) di 2015, sangat dekat dengan batasan yang memisahkan defisit yang sustainable dan yang unsustainable.

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  • Analisis Rupiah Indonesia; Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Rupiah

    Nilai tukar rupiah menguat pada Senin (16/02) karena neraca perdagangan dan neraca transaksi berjalan membaik, sementara dolar AS melemah karena penjualan ritel AS yang mengecewakan dan karena optimisme bahwa Yunani akan tetap menjadi anggota zona euro. Sementara itu, kementerian keuangan Indonesia mengadakan lelang obligasi konvensional di mana Rp 12 triliun dijual. Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, rupiah terapresiasi 0.35 persen menjadi Rp 12,753 per dolar AS pada Senin (16/02).

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  • Current Account Balance Indonesia: Deficit of 3.07% of GDP in Q3-2014

    The current account deficit of Indonesia eased to USD $6.84 billion, or 3.07 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the third quarter of 2014 (down from USD $8.69 billion, or 4.07 percent of GDP in the previous quarter). This improvement was mainly supported by a solid surplus in the country’s non-oil & gas sector, partly the result of the US economic recovery as well as resumed copper concentrate exports by Freeport Indonesia and Newmont Nusa Tenggara (after successful mining contract renegotiations).

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  • Bank Indonesia: Current Account Deficit Improved in 3rd Quarter 2014

    The wide current account deficit of Indonesia is expected to have eased in the third quarter of 2014. According to information from the country’s central bank, the current account deficit narrowed to 3.1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in Q3-2014 from 4.27 percent of GDP in the previous quarter. A deficit below the level of 3 percent of GDP is generally regarded as a sustainable level. The improvement in Q3-2014 is mainly due to resumed mineral exports after the government and several miners managed to finalize renegotiations.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Current Account Deficit Eases Slightly in 2014

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects that the country’s current account deficit will only ease slightly in 2014. Last year, the deficit reached 3.3 percent of Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP), a level which is generally considered unsustainable and leads to reduced investor confidence. Countries that have to cope with a wide current account deficit, such as Indonesia and India, are highly vulnerable in times of global shocks as investors will quickly withdraw their investments from assets in these countries.

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  • Current Account Deficit Indonesia at 4.27% of GDP; BI Rate Kept at 7.50%

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced two important matters on Thursday (14/08). Firstly, the institution decided to maintain the benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent, the overnight deposit facility rate (Fasbi) at 5.75 percent, and the lending facility rate at 7.50 percent. Secondly, it announced that Indonesia’s current account deficit widened to USD $9.1 billion, or, 4.27 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter of 2014, a widening that is larger than initially forecast.

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  • Analysis of Indonesia’s Current Account Deficit: Search for Fiscal Stability

    Governor of the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia), Agus Martowardojo, commented on Indonesia’s troubled current account balance on Tuesday (12/08). Martowardojo said that he expects the balance to improve in 2014. Last year, the current account deficit of Southeast Asia’s largest economy reached 3.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP); a level which is generally regarded as unsustainable. This year, the deficit may ease to 3 percent of GDP. For investors the current account balance is an important matter. Why?

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  • Indonesia's Current Account Balance Improved in Q3-2013

    The economic stabilisation policies launched by Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) and the Indonesian government in recent months have brought a steady improvement in the country's current account balance. The current account deficit moderated from the previous quarter’s record USD $9.9 billion (equivalent to 4.4 percent of the country's GDP) to USD $8.4 billion (3.8 percent of GDP) in the third quarter of 2013. A shrinking current account deficit is highly awaited by investors. The text below is the official press release of Bank Indonesia.

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  • Bank Indonesia Press Release: August Trade Surplus, September Deflation

    Inflationary pressures eased in September 2013 to a 0.35% rate of deflation (mtm), or 8.40% (yoy). The rate of deflation exceeded the projections contained within the Price Monitoring Survey conducted by Bank Indonesia and much lower than inflation expectations by some analysts. Abundant supply in the wake of horticultural harvests (shallots and chilli peppers), triggered a deep correction in food prices. In addition, sliding beef prices also exacerbated further deflationary pressures, with volatile foods recording deflation of 3.38% (mtm).

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