Joko Widodo ‘Jokowi’ Officially Wins Indonesia’s Presidential Election

Pemilihan Presiden 2014

Pemenang resmi pemilihan presiden Indonesia tahun 2014 telah diumumkan: Joko Widodo ‘Jokowi’ Officially Wins Indonesia’s Presidential Election

 Joko Widodo’s Political & Economic Agenda: Future of Jokowi’s Indonesia?

Visi Joko Widodo

Apa visi dan misi Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo? Joko Widodo’s Political & Economic Agenda: Future of Jokowi’s Indonesia?

Freeport Indonesia Can Resume Copper Concentrate Exports from Indonesia

Freeport Indonesia

Freeport Indonesia dan pemerintah Indonesia menemukan middle way di masalah larangan ekspor. Freeport Indonesia Can Resume Copper Concentrate Exports from Indonesia

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia Hits New Record in Q2-2014

Investasi di Indonesia

Meskipun ketidakpastian di tengah tahun politik, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia Hits New Record in Q2-2014

Despite Poverty Reduction in Indonesia, Gap between Rich and Poor Widens

Kemiskinan di Indonesia

Pelebaran kesenjangan antara kaya dan miskin membahayakan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kohesi sosial. Despite Poverty Reduction in Indonesia, Gap between Rich and Poor Widens

Corporate Earnings Reports Indonesian Companies in the First Half of 2014

Laba Perusahaan

Perusahaan-perusahaan Indonesia mulai mempublikasikan hasil keuangan semester pertama 2014. Corporate Earnings Reports Indonesian Companies in the First Half of 2014

 World Bank Indonesia Economic Quarterly: Structural Reforms Needed

Laporan Bank Dunia

Bank Dunia merevisi proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia di tahun 2014. World Bank Indonesia Economic Quarterly: Structural Reforms Needed

Indonesian Culture: Annual Mudik Tradition ahead of Lebaran Has Begun

Tradisi Mudik Mulai

Kota-kota Indonesia menjadi kosong dan bisnis mulai berhenti. Indonesian Culture: Annual Mudik Tradition ahead of Lebaran Has Begun

 Future of Malaysia Airlines Uncertain after Two Boeing 777 Accidents

Malaysia Airlines

Maskapai penerbangan ini sedang menghadapi masalah setelah dua insiden katastropik. Future of Malaysia Airlines Uncertain after Two Boeing 777 Accidents Disclaimer Copyright © Van der Schaar Investments B.V. Delft Netherlands
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