How Did the Indonesian Rupiah and Stock Market Perform Last Week?

Nilai Tukar Rupiah & Saham

Update kinerja rupiah dan pasar saham Indonesia selama pekan terakhir: How Did the Indonesian Rupiah and Stock Market Perform Last Week?

Politics in Indonesia: Presidential Election 2014, Jokowi vs Prabowo

Pemilu Presiden 2014

Isu-isu terbaru seputar pemilihan umum presiden 2014. Politics in Indonesia: Presidential Election 2014, Jokowi vs Prabowo

Why Are Foreign Investors Concerned about a Prabowo Subianto Win?

Calon Kontroversial

Tuduhan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan masalah keuangan: Why Are Foreign Investors Concerned about a Prabowo Subianto Win?

Debate Indonesian Vice-Presidential Candidates: Hatta Rajasa vs Jusuf Kalla

Debat Calon Wakil Presiden

Jusuf Kalla dan Hatta Rajasa berhadapan dalam debat keempat. Debate Indonesian Vice-Presidential Candidates: Hatta Rajasa vs Jusuf Kalla

Kalbe Farma: a Profile of Indonesia's Largest Pharmaceutical Company

Kalbe Farma

Profil perusahaan farmasi yang terbesar di Indonesia: Kalbe Farma

China Concerns: What to Expect of the Global Copper Price in 2014?

Harga Global Tembaga

Isu-isu di China mempengaruhi harga tembaga pada tahun 2014. China Concerns: What to Expect of the Global Copper Price in 2014?

Chatib Basri: Indonesian Economy May Grow 5.3% in Second Quarter of 2014

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

Kemungkinannya akan ada perbaikan pada kuartal kedua 2014. Chatib Basri: Indonesian Economy May Grow 5.3% in Second Quarter of 2014

 Indonesia Financial Update: Analysis June Inflation and May Trade Balance

Inflasi & Neraca Perdagangan

Perbaikan terdeteksi pada fundamental makroekonomi Indonesia. Indonesia Financial Update: Analysis June Inflation and May Trade Balance

 Corruption in Indonesia: Constitutional Court Chief Akil Mochtar Found Guilty

Korupsi di Indonesia

Perkembangan terbaru dalam kasus-kasus korupsi high profile di Indonesia. Corruption in Indonesia: Constitutional Court Chief Akil Mochtar Found Guilty

Poverty in Indonesia: National Poverty Rate Fell to 11.25% in March 2014

Kemiskinan di Indonesia

Kemiskinan di Indonesia turun sedikit pada bulan Maret 2014. Poverty in Indonesia: National Poverty Rate Fell to 11.25% in March 2014 Disclaimer Copyright © Van der Schaar Investments B.V. Delft Netherlands
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