Domestic and Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia Hit New Record

Investasi di Indonesia

Meskipun pertumbuhannya sedang melambat gara-gara tahun politik, Domestic and Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia Hit New Record

Forecasts Suggest that New El Niño Cycle May Be Rather Strong in 2014

Siklus El Nino Baru

Kemungkinan akan dampak berat pada komoditas pertanian: Forecasts Suggest that New El Niño Cycle May Be Rather Strong in 2014

No Severe Impact Latest Indonesian Tax Scandal on Bank Central Asia

Bank Central Asia

Perbedaan interpretasi; No Severe Impact Latest Indonesian Tax Scandal on Bank Central Asia

Revision of Indonesia's Negative Investment List to Attract Investment

Daftar Negatif Investasi

Di tengah perlambatan ekonomi, Revision of Indonesia's Negative Investment List to Attract Investment

Adaro Energy

Adaro Energy

Profil perusahaan salah satu penambang batubara terkemuka di Indonesia: Adaro Energy

Astra Agro Lestari

Astra Agro Lestari

Profil perusahaan salah satu perusahaan agribisnis terbesar di Indonesia: Astra Agro Lestari

Projections Indonesia's April 2014 Inflation and March 2014 Trade Balance

Inflasi dan Neraca Perdagangan

Fundamen-fundamen makroekonomi terus membaik: Projections Indonesia's April 2014 Inflation and March 2014 Trade Balance

population indonesia

Demografi Indonesia

Sebuah analisis Demografi Indonesia Disclaimer Copyright © Van der Schaar Investments B.V. Delft Netherlands
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