• Millward Brown: Bank Central Asia Most Valuable Brand in Indonesia

    According to Millward Brown, the British multinational market research firm, Bank Central Asia (BCA) maintained on top of the ranking in terms of most valuable brands in Indonesia. BCA is one of Indonesia's leading banks and one of the country's largest companies in terms of market capitalization on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. It is the third consecutive year BCA tops the ranking.

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  • Indonesia's One Million Houses Program on Schedule in 2017

    So far this year Indonesia's "One Million Houses Program" is well on its way. Based on information from Indonesia's Public Works and Housing Ministry a total of 499,702 houses were constructed under the program in the first half of 2017, achieving 49.9 percent of the full-year target.

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  • Development Four Special Economic Zones Show Slow Progress

    The development of four special economic zones (in Indonesian: kawasan ekonomi khusus, or KEK) that are supposed to become operational before the end of 2017 is not going according to plan and therefore there emerge serious doubts whether these KEKs can come online before the year-end. These four KEKs are (1) Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan, (2) Tanjung Api-Api, (3) Morotai, and (4) Bitung (see map below).

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  • Restart for Indonesia's Herbal Medicine Company Nyonya Meneer?

    Many Indonesians were surprised to learn that well-known herbal medicine brand Nyonya Meneer is close to bankruptcy. Nyonya Meneer is one of the oldest companies in Indonesia, going back far into colonial times, and has strong brand awareness among Indonesians. However, there may come a restart as businessman (and former trade minister) Rachmat Gobel seems committed to save the company.

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