• Analysis of the Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate in November 2013

    On Friday (29/11), the last trading day of November 2013, the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate continued its downward spiral. The Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate¹ fell 0.39 percent to IDR 11,970 per US dollar amid concern about the winding down of the quantitative easing program, Indonesia's wide current account deficit, a disappointing US dollar-denominated bond auction and surging US dollar demand for earnings repatriation as well as foreign debt payment. Considering the full month of November, the rupiah depreciated 6.61 percent.

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  • Indonesia Financial Market Update: Indonesia's Current Account Deficit

    Currently, one of Indonesia's main financial issues (and one which puts serious pressures on the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate) is the country's wide current account deficit. According to data from Statistics Indonesia, Indonesia's current account deficit totaled USD $8.4 billion in the third quarter of 2013. This figure is equivalent to a whopping 3.8 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP). Generally, a current account deficit that exceeds 2.5 percent of GDP is considered unsustainable.

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  • ADB Report: Asia Should Strengthen Economies and Financial Systems

    Emerging East Asian countries should use the window of opportunity opened by the delay in US monetary policy normalization to strengthen their economies and financial systems, the latest quarterly Asia Bond Monitor from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) urges. “A delay in US bond tapering gives the region a bit of extra time to make sure its economy and financial systems are resilient enough to face the likely market volatility ahead,” said Iwan J. Azis, Head of ADB’s Office of Regional Economic Integration which produced the report.

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  • Waktu Bagi Indonesia Untuk Berdaulat di Pasar Modal Indonesia

    Dalam beberapa bulan terakhir IHSG terus mengalami tekanan jual yang menyebabkan IHSG harus turun dari level tertingginya di 5214,97 hingga yang terendah di level 4026 hanya dalam waktu 3 bulan saja. Perlambatan ekonomi dan penjualan yang dilakukan oleh investor asing membuat penurunan cepat terjadi. Saat ini pada tahun 2013 telah terjadi penjualan bersih sebesar Rp 14,9 triliun.  The Fed mulai merencanakan untuk mengurangi quantitative easing menjadi sentimen negatif.

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