• Indonesian Rupiah and Stocks Gain on Election Court Case and China Data

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate appreciated 0.86 percent to IDR 11,678 per US dollar on Monday (11/08) according to the Bloomberg Dollar Index. The rupiah was supported by internal and external factors. On the internal side, the rupiah strengthened as the Constitutional Court is expected to dismiss defeated presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto’s appeal. Former army general Subianto challenged the official election result, claiming that massive violations occurred at polling stations and during the counting process.

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  • Industri Semen di Indonesia: Prospek Tahun 2014 dan Selanjutnya

    Penjualan semen di Indonesia turun 25 persen menjadi 3.7 juta ton pada Juli 2014 dari 5 juta ton pada Juli 2013. Penurunan tajam ini disebabkan oleh libur Lebaran (atau Idul Fitri di mana umat Islam merayakan berakhir bulan puasa), waktu banyak kegiatan usaha bisnis dihentikan sementara, serta pemilu presiden yang diadakan juga pada bulan Juli 2014. Melambatnya penjualan semen juga disebabkan oleh menurunnya pertumbuhan ekonomi (5.12 persen yoy pada kwartal kedua 2014). Penjualan semen merupakan indikator utama kegiatan konstruksi (pembangunan infrastruktur dan properti).

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 10 August 2014 Released

    On 10 August 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such as economic growth in the second quarter, July inflation, the June trade balance, company profiles of PP London Sumatra Indonesia and Perusahaan Listrik Negara, guidelines for the construction of a PT PMA, and more.

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  • Foreign Exchange Reserves at Bank Indonesia Rise to $110.5 Billion in July

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced today (08/08) that the country’s foreign exchange reserves increased to USD $110.5 billion at the end of July 2014 (from USD $107.7 billion at the end of the previous month). Bank Indonesia said that the rising reserves were mainly due to receipts from the Euro bonds issued by the Indonesian government and foreign exchange earnings from oil and gas exports. In addition, buoyant foreign capital inflows also had a positive impact on the accumulation of the official reserve assets.

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