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Berita Hari Ini Luwak Coffee

  • Newsletter Indonesia Investments Edisi 24 Mei 2015 Diterbitkan

    Pada 24 Mei 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletter-nya. Newsletter gratis ini yang dikirimkan kepada pelanggan kami sekali seminggu, berisi berita-berita paling penting dari Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami dalam tujuh hari terakhir. Kebanyakan topik membahas isu-isu ekonomi seperti tingkat suku bunga Bank Indonesia, revisi persyaratan untuk pembelian properti, kesetaraan gender, kepercayaan konsumen, penawaran saham perdana PP Properti, kopi luwak, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Permintaan Global untuk Kopi Luwak Indonesia Menurun

    Cabang Jawa Tengah dari Asosiasi Eksportir Kopi Indonesia (AEKI) mengatakan bahwa permintaan untuk kopi luwak, sejenis kopi khas Indonesia dan dikenal sebagai kopi termahal di dunia, telah menurun sejak tahun 2013. Kopi luwak adalah jenis kopi yang luar biasa karena dibuat dari biji-biji yang telah melalui sistem pencernaan luwak. Proses produksinya yang padat karya dan kelangkaannya di pasar global menyebabkan harga mahal kopi luwak.

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  • Indonesian Coffee: Analysis and Overview of Indonesia's Coffee Industry

    Indonesia Investments updated the profile of coffee in our commodities section. Indonesia is one of the world's top coffee producing and exporting countries and thus this beverage is an important foreign exchange earner. Starting from the 1960s, Indonesia has shown a small but stable increase in domestic production of coffee. Apart from the production of regular coffee, Indonesia is famous for certain types of specialty coffee, including  luwak coffee (kopi luwak), Toraja coffee, Aceh coffee and Mandailing coffee.

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  • Coffee Consumption in Asia is Rising Sharply

    Contrary to coffee demand in Western countries (which is expected to grow by about one percent per year), coffee demand in Asia - and in line with the region's economic growth - is expected to grow by about five to ten percent annually. A number of Asian coffee bean producing and exporting countries exhibit populations that drink more coffee and thus need to allocate more of its production to the domestic market, at the expense of its export.

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Artikel Terbaru Luwak Coffee

  • Coffee in Indonesia: Lower Output but Higher Earnings on Brazil Drought

    Brazil has been in the spotlight as recent developments in this country influence global prices of coffee and sugar. There are currently two factors at play in Brazil, the world’s leading coffee and sugar supplier. First, ongoing drought has sharply pushed up the price of coffee. Secondly, the market is hopeful that reform-minded candidate Aécio Neves wins the Brazilian presidential election in the second voting round. This has given Brazil’s currency (real) a boost against the US dollar, and thus impacted on prices of coffee and sugar.

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