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Berita Hari Ini El Nino Cycle 2014

  • Cuaca di Indonesia: El Nino Berdampak pada Komoditi Agrikultur di 2015?

    Semakin kuat dugaan bahwa fenomena cuaca El Nino akan berdampak pada Indonesia dalam beberapa bulan mendatang. Selama beberapa minggu terakhir ini muncul beberapa laporan mengenai cuaca kering yang ganjil dan memberikan dampak negatif pada panen dan komoditi agrikultur di sejumlah wilayah Asia Tenggara. Di Indonesia, cuaca kering pada umumnya terjadi dari bulan Mei sampai Agustus. Meskipun begitu, El Nino mungkin menyebabkan cuaca yang lebih hangat dan memperpanjang musim kering sampai September dan karenanya mempengaruhi produksi di puncak musim panen. Hal ini akan mengurangi hasil produksi agrikultur dan menyebabkan tekanan inflasi.

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  • Southeast Asia’s Agricultural Commodity Producers Brace for El Nino

    In the past couple of weeks unusually dry weather in several parts of Southeast Asia has led to expectation that harvests of agricultural commodities in the region will be disappointing. More and more weather forecasters are convinced that the El Nino weather phenomenon (i.e. periodical warm ocean water temperatures off the western coast of South America that can cause climatic changes across the Pacific Ocean) is to return this year causing droughts in the key agricultural-producing countries.

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  • Rubber Output in Indonesia May Fall 3% if the New El Nino Cycle Kicks in

    Ahead of the World Rubber Summit 2014 (held between 19 and 21 May in Singapore), Asril Sutan Amir, adviser to the Indonesian Rubber Association (GAPKINDO), said that Indonesian rubber output may decline by three percent or 100,000 metric tons (Mt) to 3 million Mt in 2014 due to the impact of this year's possible new El Nino cycle. An extended dry season will lead to damaged rubber trees and thus less production. Indonesia is currently the world's second-largest rubber producer after Thailand.

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