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Berita Hari Ini Coal

  • Profile of Trans Power Marine: Indonesian Ship Transport Company

    Indonesia Investments added the company profile of Trans Power Marine in the Indonesian companies section. Trans Power Marine (TPMA) is a listed Indonesian shipping company that engages in the transport of bulk goods, in particular coal. Although coal prices have plunged in recent years, the financial performance of Trans Power Marine was relatively unaffected because most of the company's customers are end-users. The company conducted its initial public offering (IPO) in February 2013.

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  • Aneka Tambang (Antam): Indonesian Leading Mining and Metals Company

    The company profile of state-controlled Aneka Tambang (Antam) has been updated in the Indonesian companies' section. Antam is a vertically integrated, export-oriented, diversified mining and metals company in Indonesia. With operations spread throughout the mineral-rich archipelago, Antam undertakes all activities from exploration, exploitation, processing, refining to the marketing of its nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite, coal and precious metals refining services.

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  • ADB Report: Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific (October 2013)

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released the latest edition of its report, titled Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific 2013, this week. The report aims to identify policy, social, infrastructure, and technology issues that should be addressed to meet the future energy needs of members of the ADB in Asia and the Pacific. Key findings in the case of Indonesia include that the country's primary energy demand is projected to reach 445.4 Mtoe in 2035, up from 207.8 Mtoe in 2010 and that it may become a net importer of natural gas.

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  • United Tractors: Indonesia's Largest Distributor of Heavy Equipment

    Indonesia Investments has updated the company profile of United Tractors, Indonesia's largest heavy equipment distributor. Besides heavy equipment, the company is also engaged in mining contracting and coal mining. As reduced global demand for Indonesian commodities has reduced mining activity in Indonesia, United Tractors reported a fall in net profit of 25 percent (yoy) to IDR 2.3 trillion (USD $203.5 million) in the first six months of 2013. As such, the company is eagerly awaiting a rebound in global demand for Indonesia's commodities.

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  • Company Profile of Atlas Resources: an Indonesian Coal Mining Company

    Indonesia Investments has added the company profile of Atlas Resources to the Indonesian Companies' database. Atlas Resources is an Indonesian coal mining company that targets for business growth through acquisitions, explorations and development (with a focus on smaller scale regional coal concessions). Similar to other Indonesian coal miners, the company has to cope with weak global coal demand and the subsequent weak coal price. The company's exploratory and production activities are mainly conducted on Sumatra and Kalimantan.

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  • AKR Corporindo: Leading Provider of Integrated Supply Chain Solutions

    Indonesia Investments updated the company profile of AKR Corporindo (AKRA), Indonesia’s leading integrated supply chain solutions provider and largest private sector distributor of petroleum and basic chemicals. Apart from trading and distribution, the company is also engaged in other business lines, i.e. logistic services, manufacturing, as well as coal mining and trading. In the first six months of 2013, AKRA recorded a 17.9 percent jump in profit to IDR 350.9 billion (USD $31.9 million) compared to the same period last year.

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  • Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam: A Leading Indonesian Coal Miner

    Indonesia Investments has updated the company profile of Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam. This state controlled company is one of the largest coal mining companies in Indonesia and has vast coal mines in South Sumatra, West Sumatra and East Kalimantan. The company feels the impact of global economic turmoil as can be seen from the 44.2 percent fall in net income over the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012. A weakening coal price in combination with higher costs of sales were the underlying reasons. 

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  • Indo Tambangraya Megah, one of Indonesia's Largest Coal Miners

    PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITMG) is one of the leading coal producing companies in Indonesia. The company's main businesses include integrated coal mining, coal processing and operational logistics. The mining locations of Indo Tambangraya Megah are spread across six concession areas, all of which are currently operational and productive. Four concession areas are located in East Kalimantan, one in South Kalimantan, and the other one in both East and Central Kalimantan.

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  • Indonesian Government Raises Royalty Fees in the Coal Mining Sector

    In order to increase government revenues, the Indonesian government announced that, starting from 2014, coal miners that have a Mining Business License (Izin Usaha Pertambangan/IUP) will have to pay a higher royalty fee to the central government. The decision was made during a meeting between the government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) this week. The new royalty policy, which was originally planned to be introduced this year, is expected to result in an increase of IDR 4 trillion (USD $408.2 million) in state revenues.

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  • Indonesia's Coal Production Projected to Rise Due to Increased Foreign Demand

    Indonesia's coal production is projected to increase 4.4 percent to 400 million tons this year, up from the government's initial forecast of 390 million tons. According to Bob Kamandanu, chairman of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (Asosiasi Pertambangan Batubara Indonesia, APBI), this growth will be spurred by increased demand from Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan in June. The coal price is expected to increase accordingly in the middle of the year.

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Artikel Terbaru Coal

  • Indonesian Coal Mining Companies in Focus: Adaro Energy

    Amid rising mining commodity prices, Indonesian coal mining company Adaro Energy saw its share price surge at the start of 2018. The mining index is actually the best-performing index so far this year in Indonesia, rising 13.58 percent since the start of the year. Being a mining company - or more precisely an energy company (as it recently entered the power generation sector) - Adaro Energy is among the major beneficiaries.

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  • Indonesian Coal Miners Looking for Acquisitions to Boost Capacity

    A number of listed coal mining companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are eager to raise production capacity amid attractive coal prices. One way to boost production capacity is through the acquisition of other coal miners. Indonesia's key thermal coal price (Harga Batubara Acuan, HBA) - the monthly benchmark price that is set by the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry - rose slightly to USD $94.80 per metric ton in November 2017.

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  • What Are Indonesia's Top Foreign Exchange Earners?

    Foreign exchange earnings are important assets for a national economy. Therefore, many nations have recently been taking a much more protectionist approach vis-à-vis trade in an effort to strengthen their trade positions, generate trade surpluses, hence see the inflow of more foreign exchange earnings. Foreign exchange assets support a stable local currency as well as economy.

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  • Indonesian Heavy Equipment Firms in Focus: United Tractors

    Sales of United Tractors, the largest distributor of heavy equipment in Indonesia and part of the Astra Group, continue to climb in 2017. In fact, the management of United Tractors now expects full-year 2017 sales to exceed their initial forecast. Sara Loebis, Corporate Secretary of United Tractors, said the company has therefore raised its forecast for full-year heavy equipment unit sales from 3,000 to 3,200 units.

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  • The Impact of Low Oil Prices on Listed Companies in Indonesia

    Overall, low crude oil prices are problematic for stock markets as low prices indicate the world economy is not expanding on full throttle. This curbs investors' risk appetite. Particularly those companies that are active in the oil industry (or in related industries) will likely face declining share prices. However, there are also positive effects of low oil prices. For example consumers' purchasing power should improve because prices at the gas pump are lower, while some companies can curb operational costs. Hence, consumer and transportation stocks should actually benefit from low oil prices.

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  • Indonesian Coal Mining Companies in Focus: Adaro Energy

    The recently rallying coal price is a major boost for leading Indonesian coal miner Adaro Energy. Mirae Asset Sekuritas noted in a new report that Adaro Energy is in a great position to book higher corporate earnings in the years ahead because the miner's structure (and subsidiaries) are highly integrated and therefore it can more-or-less control the costs and risks in each business stage.

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  • Indonesian Coal Miners in Focus: Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam

    The soaring benchmark thermal coal price of the Indonesian government (called harga batubara acuan, abbreviated HBA), which is set (on a monthly basis) by the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, should boost earnings of listed Indonesian coal miner Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam in 2017. The HBA price nearly doubled to USD $102 per metric ton in December from the year-start. Besides the rising coal price, the company should also see improving corporate earnings due to its expected rising sales volume.

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  • Indonesian Coal Mining Companies in Focus: Harum Energy

    The sharply rallying coal price in the second half of 2016 and its strong cash position (a sign of financial strength and liquidity) is the right recipe for listed Indonesian coal miner Harum Energy to post strong corporate earnings this year. In fact, Indonesian securities company Trimegah Securities believes that Harum Energy is the coal miner that will benefit the most of all listed coal miners on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) because 95 percent of its coal sales is sold on the spot market.

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  • Indonesia's Coal Price Soaring, Reason for Euphoria? Or Not?

    Indonesia's November 2016 coal price broke a record. The nation's benchmark thermal coal price (locally known as the Harga Batubara Acuan, HBA) - a monthly price set by Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and which is based on domestic and international coal indices - jumped 22.9 percent month-on-month (m/m) to USD $84.89 per metric ton this month, the highest monthly HBA price rise ever recorded. Compared to the start of the year, Indonesia's coal price has now risen 59.6 percent, the sixth straight monthly gain. But is this reason for euphoria?

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  • Coal Mining Update Indonesia: Production Down, Consumption Up

    Many Indonesian coal miners that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) have seen their shares surge in the past couple of months supported by the recovering coal prices. Indonesia's thermal coal price (in Indonesian: Harga Batubara Acuan, abbreviated HBA), a monthly price set by Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resource Ministry and which is based on domestic and global coal prices, soared from USD $50.92 per metric ton in February 2016 to USD $63.93 per ton in September.

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