World Bank: SPAN Improves Indonesia's Efficiency, Transparency & Accountability
A new financial management system was launched in April 2015 by the Indonesian government. This new system, called Sistem Perbendaharaan dan Anggaran Negara (abbreviated SPAN), aims to enhance public efficiency, transparency and accountability in Indonesia by managing the financial transactions of more than 24,000 government spending units in all 33 provinces. According to a new World Bank story, Indonesia's new financial system has managed to improve efficiency, transparency and accountability. Moreover, it improves budget planning and spending.
It took six years for this new information system to be developed and it development was supported by a multi-donor trust fund which consisted of the World Bank and governments of Canada, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the US. The SPAN system is endorsed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo who stated that "SPAN enables easier control and therefore it makes all ministries monitor their activities more closely". This helps to improve budget preparation and government spending for development planning.
The World Bank notes: SPAN is an automated treasury payment and budget preparation information system. The system’s functionality is impressive: it can validate government financial transaction data, control government commitments, support the implementation of accrual-based accounting, and help produce real-time financial reports.
Said Askolani, Director General for Budgeting at Indonesia's Finance Ministry, said "Indonesia has leap-frogged from a legacy of traditional financial systems to one that is more sophisticated." Bambang Ghiri, Head of the Finance Center of the National Police, said "our costs, revenues, finances and budgeting are now available online and directly accessible by the government and ministries."
According to President Widodo SPAN helps the government to realize its development goals as the new system enables Indonesia to collect more and spend better "because at any time we can monitor how much revenue is coming in, how much is being spent, and how it is being used, in real time. We must account for every single rupiah."