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Berita Hari Ini Infrastructure

  • IPO of Indonesia Pondasi Raya (Indopora) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Construction firm Indonesia Pondasi Raya plans to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in December 2015. The company, better known as Indopora, aims to raise around IDR 530 billion (approx. USD $39 million) by offering 303 million shares, or 15.1 percent of its paid-up capital, at a price ranging between IDR 1,280 and IDR 1,920 per share. This range is based on a price-to-earnings ratio of 8 to 12 times. Kurnia Salim, Head of Institutional Business at Yuanta Securities Indonesia, said Indopora is projected to collect IDR 333 billion (approx. USD $25 million) in net profit in 2016.

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  • Infrastructure Development Indonesia: Hotel Construction to Grow in 2016

    In line with rising tourism in Indonesia, the value of hotel construction in Southeast Asia's largest economy is expected to grow 16 percent to IDR 21 trillion (approx. USD $1.6 billion) in 2016. Most of the new projects - roughly 21 percent - are located in the Greater Jakarta area. Besides tapping the tourism potential, hotel developers also want to tap the business potential, meaning that due to expected accelerated economic growth in 2016, there will arrive more foreign businessmen in Indonesia to attend meetings and other activities, particularly as the ASEAN Economic Community comes online.

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  • Company Profile Semen Indonesia: Preparing to Accelerate Growth

    Sales of Semen Indonesia, Indonesia's leading cement producer, are expected to remain stagnant in 2015 despite recently rising cement demand due to the kick off of various government-led infrastructure projects. In the January-October 2015 period, the company's cement sales fell 2 percent compared to sales in the same period last year. On a positive note, Semen Indonesia's cement sales in October surged 10 percent to 2.7 million tons compared to the same month one year earlier. But with two months remaining it is not expected that the company's sales will significantly rise from last year's sales (26.6 million tons).

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  • Paket Stimulus Ekonomi Indonesia ke-7: Fokus pada Perekonomian Desa

    Pemerintah Indonesia saat ini mempersiapkan paket kebijakan ekonomi ke-7. Paket baru ini yang bertujuan untuk mendongkrak daya beli masyarakat dengan berfokus pada ekonomi desa. Paket ini akan memiliki dua pusat fokus utama: (1) menggunakan dana desa - dicairkan oleh Pemerintah Pusat - dengan lebih efektif, dan (2) memperbaiki logistik di level desa. Edy Putra Irawadi, Deputi Menteri Indonesia untuk Industri dan Perdagangan, mengatakan kebijakan-kebijakan baru ini akan mendongkrak daya beli masyarakat, terutama di level desa.

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  • Cement Sales in Indonesia Accelerate on Kick Off Infrastructure Projects

    According to the latest data from the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), Indonesia's cement sales climbed 10.7 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 6.4 million tons in October 2015 as government-related infrastructure development has picked up in the second half of the year (cement sales only contracted on the island of Kalimantan in October). Cement sales are an interesting indicator as they provide valuable information about the country's household consumption and investment in property and infrastructure sectors.

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  • Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi Indonesia: Kawasan Berikat & Pemotongan Pajak Impor

    Paket kebijakan ekonomi kedua Indonesia di bulan September, diumumkan pada hari Selasa (29/09), menerima sambutan yang lebih hangat dari para pelaku pasar dibandingkan dengan yang pertama (diterbitkan pada 9 September), dibuktikan dengan rebound saham dan penguatan nilai tukar rupiah kemarin. Paket kebijakan terbaru Indonesia mencakup pemotongan pajak bunga untuk para eksportir, percepatan perizinan investasi untuk investasi di kompleks industri, dan pelonggaran pajak untuk impor barang-barang modal kompleks industri dan industri penerbangan.

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  • Indonesia Membatalkan Proyek Kereta Berkecepatan Tinggi Jakarta-Bandung

    Indonesia telah membatalkan pengembangan jalur kereta berkecepatan tinggi antara Ibukota Jakarta dan Bandung (Jawa Barat) karena Presiden Joko Widodo memutuskan bahwa Indonesia tidak membutuhkan sebuah kereta yang bisa mencapai kecepatan lebih dari 300 kilometer (km) per jam untuk rute yang relatif singkat (150 km) di antara kedua kota. Selain jarak yang pendek, juga akan ada sekitar 14 stasiun yang didirikan di antara dua stasiun terminal, mengimplikasikan bahwa kereta ini perlu direm berkali-kali sebelum bisa mencapai kecepatan maksimumnya.

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  • Menggunakan Obligasi Syariah untuk Mendongkrak Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Indonesia

    Di tahun 2016, para investor akan dapat membeli obligasi syariah (dikenal sebagai sukuk) bernilai kira-kira Rp 13,7 triliun yang akan diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. Jumlah ini hampir dua kali lipat jumlah obligasi syariah yang akan direncanakan untuk diterbitkan Pemerintah di tahun ini (Rp 7,14 triliun). Indonesia akan menggunakan hasil dari penjualan obligasi tahun depan untuk mendongkrak pembangunan infrastruktur negara ini (contohnya jalan, pelabuhan, pembangkit listrik, rel kereta, jembatan dan universitas-universitas Islam).

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  • Proyek Kereta Berkecepatan Tinggi Pertama di Indonesia: Pertarungan antara Cina dan Jepang

    Menurut rumor terbaru, pemerintah Indonesia cenderung memilih Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) untuk mendirikan jalur kereta berkecepatan tinggi yang pertama di Indonesia yang akan menghubungkan Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta dan Bandung, ibukota Provinsi Jawa Barat. Selama beberapa minggu terakhir ‘pertarungan’ meningkat antara RRT dan Jepang mengenai pihak mana yang akan mendapatkan kontrak untuk mendirikan jalur kereta berkecepatan tinggi dan berprofil tinggi antara kedua kota (bernilai kira-kira 5 miliar dollar Amerika Serikat).

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Artikel Terbaru Infrastructure

  • Rising Logistics Costs after Higher Prices of Subsidized Fuels in Indonesia

    It has been more than a week since the Indonesian government raised its subsidized fuel prices (Pertalite, Pertamax, and automotive diesel fuel) by an average of slightly over 26 percent. One of the most interesting things is to see whether this decision leads to overall growing prices in Indonesian society. After all, fuel is crucial for the movement of goods and services, and has a significant impact on logistics costs.

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  • Latest Indonesia Investments Report Out - Introduction October 2021

    When writing this introduction, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (also known as COP26) had just started in Glasgow (Scotland). Indonesian President Joko Widodo is among the delegates who is slated to speech about the importance of preventing – and adapting to – climate change, and to seek ways to obtain climate financing as Indonesia is unable to finance the huge and costly energy transition by itself.

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  • Infrastructure in Indonesia; Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train Project Needs More Time & Money

    On 30 September 2021 Indonesia’s House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, DPR) approved the 2022 State Budget (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara, APBN) that had previously been proposed by the cabinet. And with 14.2 percent of total government spending being reserved for infrastructure development in the 2022 State Budget, the Indonesian government confirms that it remains committed to much-needed infrastructure development.

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  • The Role of State-Owned Enterprises in the Indonesian Economy

    One characteristic of the Indonesian economy is that the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) play an important role in this USD $1.0 trillion economy. They not only play an important role because some of them rank among Indonesia’s biggest companies (in terms of profit, sales and assets), thereby generating plenty of money for the government (in the form of tax revenue or dividend) while at the same time creating jobs for millions of Indonesians.

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