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Berita Hari Ini Beverages

  • Investment in Indonesia's Food & Beverage Industry Grows in 2016

    Investment in Indonesia's processed food and beverage industry is expected to surpass the IDR 50 trillion level (approx. USD $3.9 billion) again in 2016, up 16 percent (y/y) from IDR 43 trillion in 2015. Adhi Lukman, General Chairman of the Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (GAPMMI), said investment in this industry has been recovering in 2016 after a weakish 2015 when foreign direct investment into Indonesia's processed food and beverage industry fell 50 percent to USD $1.5 billion.

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  • Rencana Indonesia untuk Memberlakukan Cukai Soda Menghadapi Perlawanan

    Rencana Pemerintah Indonesia untuk menetapkan pajak cukai antara Rp 2.000 dan Rp 3.000 (kira-kira 0,18 dollar Amerika Serikat) per liter pada minuman berkarbon (soda) menghadapi perlawanan keras dari beberapa institusi. Berdasarkan pada hukum Indonesia, konsumsi produk-produk yang memiliki dampak negatif pada kesehatan konsumen atau lingkungan hidup perlu dikontrol dan dimonitor. Asosiasi Industri Minuman Ringan (Asrim), Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Seluruh Indonesia (Gapmmi),  dan Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) menganggap tindakan ini berdampak negatif pada industri minuman ringan di negara ini.

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  • Will Indonesia Ban Consumption & Distribution of Alcohol?

    After having banned the sale of alcoholic drinks in minimarkets, Indonesia may see the birth of another law concerning alcohol. Several secular and Islamic political parties seem to back a bill prohibiting the sale, production, distribution and consumption of drinks that contain over 1 percent alcohol. This bill is among the 37 so-called priority bills expected to be passed this year. Although the new bill had been first proposed in 2012 by two Islamic parties - National Development Party (PPP) and Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) - it had laid on the shelf.

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  • Alkohol di Indonesia: Penjualan Alkohol di Minimarket Dilarang

    Menteri Perdagangan Indonesia Rachmat Gobel mengkonfirmasi bahwa larangan penjualam alkohol di semua minimarket dan kios akan terus berlanjut setelah 16 April 2015. Larangan ini, diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No. 06/M-DAG/PER/1/2015 mengenai Pengendalian dan Pengawasan terhadap Pengadaan, Peredaran, dan Penjualan Minuman Beralkohol (yang ditandatangani oleh Menteri Perdagangan pada 16 Januari 2015), melarang penjualan minuman dengan kandungan alkohol antara 1-5 % (disebut sebagai minuman alkohol golongan A) di semua minimarket dan kios.

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  • Prospek Pertumbuhan Industri Makanan & Minuman Indonesia Direvisi Menurun

    Omset di industri makanan dan minuman olahan diprediksi akan bertumbuh 4-5% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) pada kuartal pertama di 2015 dari periode yang sama di tahun lalu. Adhi Lukman, Ketua Umum dari Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia (GAPMMI), mengatakan bahwa faktor-faktor yang telah menghambat industri ini adalah penurunan subsidi bahan bakar, ekspor yang lambat, ketergantungan industri ini pada impor bahan mentah, melemahnya daya beli masyarakat karena rendahnya harga-harga komoditi, dan nilai tukar rupiah yang lemah.

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  • Coca Cola Plans Investments in Indonesia to Strengthen Business

    One of the world’s leading beverage producers, The Coca Cola Company (TCCC), plans to allocate between USD $600 million and USD $1 billion for business expansion in Indonesia. This investment will be undertaken by TCCC and its Australia-based subsidiary Coca Cola Amatil (CCA). Both companies are eager to tap Indonesia’s lucrative market as Indonesia - Southeast Asia’s largest economy - contains a large population (around 250 million) and shows structural robust economic growth of +5 percent year-on-year.

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  • Mitsubishi Corporation & Ichitan Group Expand to Indonesian Beverage Market

    Japan-based Mitsubishi Corporation (through its subsidiary Atri Pasifik) and Thailand’s Ichitan Group have agreed to construct a soft drinks factory in Indonesia through a fifty-fifty joint venture which will carry the name Ichitan Indonesia. The factory, which requires an investment of IDR 400 billion (USD $34.3 million), will produce various beverages but specifically various ice tea drinks under the Ichitan brand for the Indonesian market. Production at the new factory is expected to commence in 2015.

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  • Milk Industry of Indonesia Dependent on Imports to Meet Domestic Demand

    Indonesia is yet to achieve self-sufficiency in the milk industry. The Indonesian Agriculture Ministry said that the country is for 60 percent dependent on milk imports (particularly from Australia and New Zealand) to meet domestic demand. Currently, domestic milk demand in Indonesia stands at 3 million tons per year. However, only 1.2 million tons can be produced domestically. In the future the situation can worsen as domestic milk consumption grows 7 percent per year, whereas domestic milk production grows by 3.3 percent per year only.

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Artikel Terbaru Beverages

  • Indonesia Sets Realistic Investment Target for Food & Beverage Industry

    Adhi Lukman, Chairman of the Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (Gapmmi), says he is optimistic that the investment targets that are set by Indonesia's Industry Ministry will be met this year. The Industry Ministry targets to see a total of IDR 63.25 trillion (approx. USD $4.6 billion) worth of private sector investment in the food and beverage industry of Indonesia, up 6.7 percent compared to investment realization in this industry one year earlier.

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  • Coca Cola Company Memperluas Bisnis di Indonesia

    The Coca Cola Company (TCCC) dan anak perusahaanya yang berbasis di Australia Coca Cola Amatil (CCA) meluncurkan dua lini produk baru di pabrik Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia yang berlokasi di Bekasi pada awal minggu ini, bagian dari paket investasi senilai 500 juta dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) yang akan diwujudkan selama 4 tahun mendatang. TCCC, perusahaan manufaktur minuman multinasional berbasis di AS, bersemangat untuk memperluas aktivitas bisnisnya di Indonesia karena perusahaan ini menganggap Indonesia sebagai pasar yang dinamis dan menjanjikan dan juga salah satu penggerak pertumbuhan untuk mencapai target-target jangka panjangnya.

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