Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Bank Indonesia

  • Bank Indonesia Studies Relaxation of Loan-to-Value Ratio in Property Sector

    Bank Indonesia, the central bank of Indonesia, is studying whether it should relax the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio for the purchase of a house through the house ownership credit scheme (in Indonesian: kredit pemilikan rumah, abbreviated KPR). Furthermore, Bank Indonesia may allow the KPR scheme for the purchase of a second house that is still under construction. These measures would be efforts to boost credit growth, particularly in the property sector, and boost overall economic activity in Indonesia.

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  • Government Trims Indonesia's GDP Growth Target in 2017 State Budget

    The government of Indonesia revised down its forecast for economic growth in 2017 to the range of 5.3 - 5.9 percent (y/y). On Friday (20/05) Indonesian Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro informed parliament about the change in the growth outlook (related to the 2017 State Budget). Initially, the government projected Indonesia's 2017 GDP growth in the range of 5.5 - 5.9 percent (y/y). Brodjonegoro did not explain, however, why the government decided to revise down its GDP growth forecast in the 2017 State Budget.

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  • Foreign Exchange Reserves Indonesia Rise Slightly in April 2016

    Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves rose slightly last month. According to the lastest data from the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia), the country's foreign exchange assets inched up to USD $107.7 billion in April 2016 from USD $107.5 billion in the preceding month. Bank Indonesia stated that the increase came on the back of foreign exchange receipts obtained through the recent sale of central bank certificates (SBBI). These proceeds exceeded foreign exchange needed for foreign debt payments, hence causing rising reserve assets.

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  • Tax Amnesty Bill Indonesia: Banking Sector Prepares for High Liquidity

    Local media in Indonesia report that the Indonesian government has a list of 6,000 names of Indonesians that are ready to repatriate their funds in order to take advantage of the tax incentive provided by the Tax Amnesty Bill. This controversial bill, which is currently being discussed by Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR), makes it attractive for tax evaders to repatriate their undeclared wealth into Indonesia as they are offered tax incentives and protection from prosecution.

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  • Bank Indonesia Keeps Key BI Rate at 6.75% in April Policy Meeting

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) kept its key interest rate (BI rate) at 6.75 percent at the April policy meeting. This decision was in line with expectations. During the three policy meetings conducted in the January-March 2016 period Bank Indonesia had already cut its BI rate by a combined 75 basis points as inflation and the current account deficit are under control, while the Indonesian rupiah has been strengthening against the US dollar since the start of 2016. Last week, Bank Indonesia announced it will adopt the seven-day reverse repurchase rate (reverse repo) to replace the existing BI rate as the bank's key monetary tool.

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  • Foreign Debt Indonesia Rose in February as Government Seeks Funds

    Indonesia's foreign debt rose 3.7 percent (y/y) to USD $311.5 billion at end-February 2016, a higher growth pace compared to the 2.2 percent (y/y) recorded in the preceding month. The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) informed that rising foreign debt was solely due to higher public sector foreign debt, while private sector foreign debt in fact eased. The Indonesian government took up long-term foreign debt to fund its ambitious infrastructure development programs. As a result, public sector external debt rose 9 percent to USD $146.9 billion in February, or 47.2 percent of Indonesia's total foreign debt.

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  • Bank Indonesia to Adopt 7-Day Reverse Repurchase Rate as Key Monetary Tool

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) plans to adopt a new tool of monetary policy that is to replace the existing benchmark interest rate (BI rate). On Friday (15/04), Bank Indonesia will announce and elaborate on the new policy. Earlier, Indonesia's central bank said it was studying the implementation of a seven-day reverse repurchase rate (reverse repo) as the nation's new benchmark that is to influence borrowing costs and market liquidity more effectively. The new policy would mean Bank Indonesia sells securities with an agreement to buy them back within a seven-day period.

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  • Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves Rose in March 2016

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced that the nation's foreign exchange reserves rose to a total of USD $107.5 billion at the end of March 2016, up USD $3 billion from Indonesia's forex assets one month earlier. Growing reserves came on the back of foreign exchange receipts, primarily through the the issuance of government global sukuk (Islamic bonds) and Bank Indonesia's US dollar-denominated bills. These forex receipts outweighed the government's foreign debt obligations.

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  • Bank Indonesia Positive about Banking Sector in 2016, Fitch Doubts

    The banking sector of Indonesia is expected to rebound in 2016 due to the lower primary reserve requirement ratio for rupiah deposits (6.5 percent), lower cost of funds as well as operational costs, rising credit volume (due to the lower interest rate environment) and improving purchasing power. The banking sector is also expected to feel the positive impact of the stimulus packages unveiled by the Indonesian government aimed at strengthening domestic businesses and improve the investment climate. And lastly, banks are to benefit from the government's push for infrastructure development.

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  • Bank Indonesia's Rate Cut Boosts Optimism for Economic Growth

    In the first three monthly policy meetings this year (January-March) the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) cut borrowing costs by a total of 75 basis points. Indonesia's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) was cut from 7.50 percent at the year-start to 6.75 percent at Thursday's Board of Governors' meeting. The overnight deposit facility rate and lending facility rate were also cut by 75 basis points, each, in the first three months. The lower interest rate environment in Indonesia signals that the financial fundamentals are strong. This is partly reason behind strong inflows of foreign capital into Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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Latest Columns Bank Indonesia

  • Indonesia Rupiah Rate Depreciates 0.18% amid Inflation Concern

    The Indonesia rupiah exchange rate depreciated 0.18 percent to IDR 12,165 at 16.30 local Jakarta time on Thursday (23/01), based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index. Main reason for this decline is concern that Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) will maintain its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent despite an expected increase in January inflation due to massive floods as well as higher industrial electricity and LPG prices. Indonesia's January inflation rate is estimated to be around 1 percent.

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  • Analyst Opinion: Bank Indonesia's Interest Rate Might Be Raised Again

    According to Fauzi Ichsan, Managing Director at Bank Standard Chartered Indonesia, there is a possibility that Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) will raise its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) from 7.50 percent to 8 percent at the next Board of Governor's Meeting as the country's current account deficit has not improved markedly yet. The deficit stood at about 3.5 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2013. Bank Indonesia intends to lower the deficit to a sustainable level of below 3 percent in 2014.

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  • Official Press Release Bank Indonesia: Interest Rates Left Unchanged

    Today, Bank Indonesia kept its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent at the Board of Governors’ meeting. The lending facility rate and deposit facility rate were maintained at 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. An assessment of the economy in 2013 and outlook for 2014-2015 indicated that such policy is consistent with ongoing efforts to keep inflation within the target of 4.5±1 percent in 2014 and 4±1 percent in 2015, as well as to help reduce the current account deficit to a sustainable level.

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  • Indonesia's Retail Sales Accelerate in November; Positive Outlook for 2014

    Indonesian retail sales surged 14 percent in November 2013 from one year earlier (the highest growth rate since July 2013). On a month-to-month basis, Indonesia's retail sales increased 1.5 percent from October 2013. These findings were the result of a survey conducted by the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia), which surveyed 650 retailers in 10 Indonesian cities. The bank's survey also indicated that Indonesian retailers may increase prices of their products in 2014 in order to compensate for the depreciating rupiah exchange rate.

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  • Regulation and Supervision on Banking Sector Transferred to the OJK

    Today (31/12), the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) officially transfers its authority to regulate and supervise the banking sector to the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, abbreviated OJK). Muliaman D. Hadad, Chairman of the Board of the OJK, said that all functions, duties as well as powers of regulation and banking supervision, licensing, inspection, investigation and consumer protection have been transferred to the 35 (regional) offices of the OJK.

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  • Indonesia’s External Debt Continues its Slowing Trend in October 2013

    Indonesia’s external debt growth continued to slow in October 2013. Debt grew 5.8 percent (yoy) to USD $262.4 billion compared to 8.6 percent (yoy) growth in the previous month. Slowing growth in external debt occurred both in the public and private sector. Public sector external debt position at the end of October 2013 grew 0.5 percent (yoy) to USD $125.8 billion compared to 2.1 percent (yoy) in September. Meanwhile, private sector external debt grew steadily at 11.1 percent (yoy) to USD $136.6 billion as compared to the previous month.

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  • Searching for Financial Stability: Indonesia's BI Rate Policy Questioned

    On Thursday 12 December 2013, Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) announced that the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) remains unchanged at the level of 7.50 percent in December 2013. This announcement was a bit surprizing as about 80 percent of analysts expected Bank Indonesia to raise the BI rate in order to support the depreciating Indonesia rupiah exchange rate. Starting the year at IDR 9,670 per US dollar, the rupiah has fallen around 25 percent to IDR 12,081 per US dollar.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Current Account Deficit Will Continue to Ease in 2014

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) estimates that Indonesia's current account deficit will ease to 3.5 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) by the end of 2013. Indonesia's wide current account deficit has been one of the major financial troubles this year and managed to weaken investors' confidence in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Thus, Indonesia became one of the hardest hit emerging countries after the Federal Reserve started to speculate about an ending to its quantitative easing program.

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  • Bank Indonesia's 7.50% Policy Rate in Line with Current Economic Conditions

    In Bank Indonesia's board of governors' meeting, which was held on Thursday (12/12), it was decided to maintain the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent. This decision was in line with market expectation but was unable to support the Jakarta Composite Index and rupiah exchange rate. The lending facility and deposit facility interest rates were also maintained at 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. Bank Indonesia decided not to change the rate as Indonesia's inflation outlook for 2014 is still within target.

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  • Sales of Ceramics in Indonesia Expected to Plunge 10% in 2014

    With slowing economic growth and a stricter monetary policy approach of the central bank, Indonesia's ceramic industry is expected to record slowing growth in 2014. This year, the country's ceramic sales are projected to amount to 400 million square meters (m²). About 12 percent of this amount is exported to countries abroad. However, in 2014, sales are expected to plunge by 5 to 10% to 360-380 million m². A weakening rupiah and slowing property sector, which accounts for significant ceramic demand, are the major causes of the decline.

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Associated businesses Bank Indonesia