Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Energy

  • Indonesia's Geothermal Energy Potential May Be Tapped from 2014

    Good news for Indonesia's geothermal power potential. The Indonesian government is getting closer to issuing a new law that will make it easier for investors to tap the country's huge geothermal energy potential. A committee of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) supports a bill that was proposed by the government, which aims to spur investments in the country's geothermal energy sector through providing a better legal framework. Indonesia is estimated to contain the world's largest geothermal energy reserves.

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  • ADB Report: Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific (October 2013)

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released the latest edition of its report, titled Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific 2013, this week. The report aims to identify policy, social, infrastructure, and technology issues that should be addressed to meet the future energy needs of members of the ADB in Asia and the Pacific. Key findings in the case of Indonesia include that the country's primary energy demand is projected to reach 445.4 Mtoe in 2035, up from 207.8 Mtoe in 2010 and that it may become a net importer of natural gas.

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  • Company Profile of Wijaya Karya; an Indonesian Construction Company

    Wijaya Karya (Wika) is one of Indonesia's construction companies. The company is involved in engineering and construction work in both Indonesia and abroad. Its businesses include civil engineering, building construction, and construction of industrial plants as well as energy facilities. Being a state-controlled company, Wika has a close connection to the government and as such is one of the first choices to participate in government infrastructure projects. Shares of Wika have grown over 37 percent in 2012.

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  • Pertamina; the Largest State Owned Enterprise of Indonesia

    Pertamina, an integrated energy company, is the largest state-owned company of Indonesia. It conducts operations in the exploration and production of oil & gas, both national and international, and is also active in the development of renewable energy sources, such as geothermal energy and coalbed methane (CBM) gas. Pertamina's downstream activities cover processing, marketing, trading and shipping of its commodities. Its oil and gas exploration activities are conducted through its subsidiaries Pertamina EP, Pertamina Hulu Energi and Pertamina EP Cepu.

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  • Indonesian Government Makes Fund Available for Geothermal Exploration

    Bloomberg reported that the investment agency of Indonesia's finance ministry will start a fund of IDR 3 trillion (USD $302 million) to finance the exploration of geothermal energy resources in Indonesia this year. Saritaon Siregar, the agency’s chairman, said this in an interview at a conference in Jakarta this week. The investment fund is in line with Indonesia's intention of lowering its dependency on expensive and environmentally unfriendly fossil fuels as a source for energy and electricity.

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  • Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), Indonesia's Leading Gas Company

    Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) is a government controlled gas firm that forms Indonesia's largest natural gas transportation and distribution company. It operates a distribution network that extends for 3,865 kilometers and a transmission pipeline network that measures 2,047 kilometers. PGN plays an important role in Indonesia's electricity production as it sells about 40 percent of its total sales volume to the country's power generation industry. It also forms one of the largest Indonesian companies in terms of market capitalization.

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  • Indonesian Government: Inflation Rises in 2013, but Eases in 2014

    The government of Indonesia expects inflation to rise to 7.2 percent in 2013 because of the increase in the price of subsidized fuel in June, and expects it to ease to 4 percent in both 2014 and 2015 provided that good monetary policy is implemented. This good monetary policy should particularly be targeted at maintaining food security. The projections were presented by the Fiscal Policy Agency (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal), the Ministry of Finance, and Indonesia's central bank Bank Indonesia.

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  • Banyu Urip Field Output Boosts Indonesia's Oil Production From 2014

    Oil production in Indonesia is targeted to be lifted to 1 million barrels per day (bpd) by October or November 2014 according to SKK Migas, the government unit that manages upstream activities in Indonesia's oil and gas sector. Crude oil production in the first quarter of 2013 was 830,900 bpd, eight percent lower than the target in the country's state budget. Indonesia's oil output has fallen steadily in the last decade due to a lack of exploration and other investments in the sector that was once the engine of Indonesia's economic growth.

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  • Indonesia's Central Bank Expects National Economy to Grow by 6.3-6.8 Percent

    Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) expects the Indonesian economy to grow between 6.3 and 6.8 percent in 2013, supported by strong domestic consumption and foreign investment, with inflation rising by about 4.5 percent. Indonesian exports are expected to increase due to better global demand for Indonesia's commodities such as coal and palm oil, with commodity prices rising accordingly. But some problems in Indonesia's financial system remain to be solved.

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Latest Columns Energy

  • Inflation Indonesia: Administered Price Adjustments Form Challenge

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) said it carefully monitors the impact of higher electricity tariffs on the nation's inflation pace in March 2017. This month the government implemented the second phase of its gradual electricity tariff increase program for 900-VA household customers. Indonesia's state-owned electricity company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) decided to raise the electricity price for 900-VA households three times this year in order to cut energy subsidies and ensure that these subsidies are indeed channeled to the right people.

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  • Coal Remains King in Indonesia: Rising Domestic Consumption of Coal

    Domestic coal consumption in Indonesia rose 34.5 percent (y/y) to 24.5 million tons in the January-April 2016 period, according to data from Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry. This growth is caused by higher domestic coal demand due to Indonesia's ambitious 35,000 MW program (many of the power plants constructed in this program are coal-fired). Meanwhile, Indonesia's coal exports were down 14 percent (y/y) to 68 million metric tons over the same period amid sluggish global demand.

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  • Indonesia's Controversial Batang Power Plant: Human Rights & Environment

    Last week it was announced that the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) agreed to a USD $3.4 billion loan for the construction of the controversial Batang power plant in Central Java. This power plant project is controversial as it met fierce resistance from the local community (triggering concerns about human rights violations related to the land acquisition process) as well as criticism from environmental groups, saying this power plant - set to become Indonesia's largest coal-fired power plant - runs counter to Indonesia's earlier commitment to reduce carbon emissions.

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  • Bilateral Economic Relations Belgium & Indonesia: 5th Economic Mission

    Until 19 March, a Belgian mission - led by Princess Astrid, accompanied by four ministers and 301 participants (including 127 company representatives) - visits Indonesia in an effort to strengthen bilateral economic cooperation between both nations and boost foreign direct investment from Belgium into Indonesia. According to the Belgian Embassy, the ongoing mission in Indonesia is the fifth - and largest ever - economic mission conducted by Belgium in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Belgium is the fifth-largest investor from the European Union (EU).

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  • Overlapping Land Conflicts & Troubled Mining Business Licenses in Indonesia

    West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan are the three Indonesian provinces that scored the worst in the Local Government Performance Index (in Indonesian: Indeks Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah, or IKPD). This index, compiled by Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), measures the degree of coordination and supervision within Indonesian provinces regarding policies and actions related to the prevention of corruption in the mining and energy sectors. The provinces that have the highest scores are Central Sulawesi and the Riau Islands.

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  • Geothermal Development Indonesia: Reducing Reliance on Fossil Fuels

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo (often called Jokowi) emphasized that the government of Indonesia needs to boost development of renewable energy. Although Indonesia contains huge potential for renewable energy (particularly geothermal energy), the share of renewable energy in Indonesia’s total energy use currently stands at around 5 percent only, the remainder being fossil energy. By providing incentives, attractive tariffs and an easier licensing and registration process, the government can generate more investment in this sector.

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  • Indonesia’s Quest for Energy Security: 25 Geothermal Projects Tendered

    The Indonesian government plans to tender 25 new geothermal development sites with a total combined capacity of 1,225 megawatt (MW). These 25 projects will require a total of USD $4.6 billion worth of investments and help to achieve the government’s target to raise the portion of geothermal energy in the country’s energy mix to 7.1 percent by 2025. These 25 projects are in addition to the 31 geothermal development projects that are currently being constructed and which should be operational by 2020.

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  • Growth in Indonesia’s Manufacturing Sector Revised Down

    Growth of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia is expected to be significantly weaker in 2015 than initially forecast. Indonesia’s Industry Ministry cut its 2015 forecast for expansion of the country’s manufacturing industry to 6.1 percent (year-on-year) from the previous estimate of 6.8 percent. In tandem with slowing economic growth in Southeast Asia’s largest economy, manufacturing growth has slowed to 4.99 percent (y/y) in Q3-2014. Moreover, the HSBC/Markit PMI contracted to a record low of 48.0 in November 2014.

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  • Without Exploration Indonesia Turns into Net Energy Importer by 2019

    Indonesia is facing the risk of becoming a net importer of energy by 2019 as the nation’s energy demand will reach 6.19 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) whereas the domestic energy supply will only reach 6.04 million boepd by that year. Provided that the economy of Indonesia remains expanding at a pace of +5 percent (year-on-year) while investments in energy exploration do not rise accordingly, Southeast Asia’s largest economy will become dependent on foreign energy supplies.

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  • Geothermal Development: Indonesia to Tender 25 Projects in 2015

    The new Joko Widodo-led government aims to triple domestic geothermal power production within the next five years in an effort to meet ever-increasing power demand in the world’s fourth-most populous country and to shift to more environment friendly energy sources (rather than the over-reliance on fossil fuels such as oil and coal). Although Indonesia is estimated to contain the world's largest geothermal energy reserves, the country only uses about four percent of its geothermal capacity potential.

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