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Latest Reports Inflation

  • Jokowi to Cut Fuel Subsidies; Government Sets Aside Social Funds

    Indonesian Finance Minister Chatib Basri stated that the Indonesian government plans to set aside a total of IDR 10 trillion (USD $837 million) in the state budgets of 2014 as well as 2015 to support the poor people of Indonesia through social safety programs. This is yet another indication that prices of subsidized fuels will be raised before the end of the year. Recently, it has been increasingly speculated that Indonesian president-elect Joko Widodo (“Jokowi”) will raise these prices by IDR 3,000 (USD $0.25) per liter.

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  • World Bank: Poverty Reduction in Indonesia Slows; Inequality Rises

    The World Bank released a news update which states that poverty reduction in Indonesia continues to slow down, with only a reduction of 0.7 percentage points over the last two years, or the smallest decline in the last decade. Meanwhile the institution says that inequality also increased in recent years, potentially disrupting social cohesion and hence jeopardizing the gains from solid economic growth, which has helped to reduce the poverty rate to 11.3 percent in 2014, compared to 24 percent in 1999.

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  • Indonesia’s Fuel Subsidy Issue: Joko Widodo to Raise Fuel Prices in 2014?

    Indonesian newspaper Investor Daily reported in today’s edition (11/09) that Joko Widodo (who will become Indonesia’s 7th president on 20 October 2014) plans to raise prices of subsidized fuel in November or December 2014. Reportedly, the price of gasoline (premium) will be raised by IDR 1,000 (USD $0.08) to IDR 7,500 (USD $0.64) per liter and the price of diesel (solar) by IDR 1,000 as well to become IDR 6,500 (USD $0.55) per liter. Meanwhile Widodo will enhance the social safety net to protect the poor.

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  • Energy in Indonesia: Pertamina Raised Prices of 12 Kilogram LPG Canisters

    Fully state-owned energy company Pertamina announced that it has raised the selling price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) by 23 percent in an effort to cut losses from subsidized gas sales. The company said that it incurred losses of IDR 2.5 to 3.0 trillion in the first half of 2014 as a result of 12 kilogram LPG canisters sales. These LPG sales are heavily subsidized as the government determines a fixed price, below the market value. However, the government does not reimburse this difference in selling price and market value.

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  • Bank Indonesia’s Dilemma: Reducing or Maintaining the BI Rate at 7.50%?

    There are mixed opinions about the interest rate policy of the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia). Tomorrow (11/09), at the Board of Governor’s Meeting, the central bank will decide whether or not to change the country’s interest rates. Indonesia’s benchmark interest rate (BI rate) has been held at 7.50 percent for ten consecutive months. This relatively high figure managed to ease high inflation (which emerged after prices of subsidized fuel prices were raised in June 2013). However, it also further slowed economic growth.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 7 September 2014 Released

    On 7 September 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such Indonesia’s fuel subsidies, August inflation, July trade balance, the conflict between the government and Nusa Tenggara Newmont, Jero Wacik’s possible involvement in a corruption case, and more.

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  • Economic Data of Indonesia: Inflation, Trade Balance & Manufacturing

    As expected, the pace of inflation in Indonesia eased in August 2014. On Monday (01/09), Statistics Indonesia announced that August inflation reached 0.47 percent, implying that on a year-on-year basis inflation eased to 3.99 percent from 4.53 percent in the previous month. Meanwhile, Indonesia posted a USD $124 million trade surplus in July 2014 mainly due to declining imports of machinery and mechanical instruments. The country’s manufacturing activity, however, contracted in August for the first time in a year.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 31 August 2014 Released

    On 31 August 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such Indonesia’s fuel subsidies, an August inflation forecast, the conflict between the government and Nusa Tenggara Newmont, a new geothermal energy bill, infrastructure development, and more.

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  • Inflation in Indonesia: Easing Inflation Trend Continues in August 2014

    The latest Bank Indonesia survey on the topic of inflation suggests that Indonesia’s inflation pace in August 2014 is still relatively safe. Based on the survey, which monitored inflation in Southeast Asia’s largest economy up to the third week of the month and which usually forms a good indicator for the inflation figure at the month-end, Indonesian inflation in August will be lower than the 0.93 percentage point (month-to-month) of inflation recorded in the previous month. Inflation in Indonesia always shows a peak around in the period June to August.

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  • Bank Indonesia’s Monetary Policy Tight until Current Account Balance Improves

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) indicated that it will only loosen its monetary policy provided that the country’s current account deficit narrows to a level of 2.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), which is considered sustainable, and inflation is kept within the range of 3.5 to 5.5 percent (year-on-year) in line with the central bank’s target range. The current account deficit is one of the main problems being faced by Southeast Asia’s largest economy today and causes concern among foreign and domestic investors.

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Latest Columns Inflation

  • Investors Say Goodbye to the Month of May and Welcome June

    On the very last trading day of May (31/05), Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) closed at 5,068.63 points. During the month, the index showed a volatile performance as it reached its peak at 5,251.29 and its low at 4,907.59 points. Overall, the IHSG continued to rise in May despite various negative sentiments. Foreign investors recorded a net sell of IDR 7.9 trillion (USD $806.12 million). However, optimistic domestic investors kept Indonesia's index in the green zone.

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  • Indonesia’s Property and Construction Sector Leads the Way for the IHSG

    In the first five months of 2013, Indonesia’s main stock index (IHSG) rose 16.62 percent to a near record high level at 5,068.63 points on Friday (31/05/13). Initially, both analysts and investors were concerned that Indonesia would experience its traditional ‘May Cycle’, the term which refers to the usual fall of Indonesia’s index in the month of May. However, reality proved different as the index recorded a small gain of 7.71 points (0.15 percent) last month.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Falls 1.37 Percent on Thursday

    Asian stock markets were mixed on Thursday (30/05). Particularly Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index (HSI) was negatively influenced by Wednesday's falling stock indices in Europe and the USA. In this context, Indonesia's main index (IHSG) was hit as well and fell 1.37 percent to 5,129.65 points. Moreover, the continuing decline of the IDR rupiah makes market participants less enthusiastic to purchase Indonesian stocks. Foreigners were also anxious to sell part of their stock portfolios.

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  • Last Week of May: Continued Upward Movement or a Correction?

    Throughout the month of May, the level of volatility of Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) has been remarkable and interesting. At the start of the month we were shocked by Standard & Poor's downgrade of Indonesia's credit rating outlook as well as Moody's warning to take similar measures as Indonesia had been slow to deal with its subsidized fuel policy. These issues were able to drag the index down. Moreover, the threat of higher inflation triggers concerns that the index would show its traditional fall in the month of May.

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  • Indonesian Government Wants to Increase Fuel Subsidy Spending in 2013

    Although Indonesia’s government stresses the need to relieve pressure on the state budget (by raising the price of subsidized fuel next month), it plans to allocate an additional IDR 16.1 trillion (USD $1.65 billion) to this year’s fuel subsidy budget. The additional allocation, which covers fuel, LPG and vegetable fuels, will raise government expenditure on fuel subsidies to IDR 209.9 trillion (USD $21.50 billion) from the IDR 193.8 trillion drafted in the original 2013 state budget (APBN 2013). Total energy subsidies will grow to IDR 309.9 trillion this year.

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  • High, Higher, Highest? An Overview of the Performance of Indonesia's IHSG

    Last week, Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) moved remarkably well. The index managed to set a new record high at 5145.68 points on Friday (17/05/13) as it was pushed up by its strongest pillar of support, the consumer sector. Indonesia's consumer sector rose as much as 8.23 percent last week, while the largest obstacle to growth was the country's mining sector, which experienced a correction of 3.31 percent. What are the underlying reasons of last week's gain towards yet another record high? And is it sustainable?

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  • A Small Gain for the Indonesia Stock Index on Wednesday (IHSG)

    Positive American and European stock indices on Tuesday (14/05/13) made a good impact on Asian stock indices on Wednesday (15/05/13), including Indonesia's main index (IHSG) which is heading towards the 5,100 points line. Although many foreign investors were eager to sell their Indonesian assets, support from other Asian stock indices kept the IHSG within the green zone. At the end of the trading day, it stood at 5,089.88 points, a 0.16 percent rise.

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  • The Rising Property Market of Indonesia: Is the Sky the Limit?

    One of the sectors that showed exceptional growth in 2012 was Indonesia's property market. On average, net profit of companies engaged in Indonesia's property sector grew 68 percent during the full year. Of the 45 property companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), 26 posted net profit growth that exceeded 50 percent. But the success story did not end there. In the first quarter of 2013, the property sectoral index of the IDX continued its fast pace by rising over 41 percent.

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  • April Deflation and Orderly May Day Demonstrations Support Indonesia's IHSG

    The release of Indonesia's April deflation figure (0.10%) and orderly May Day demonstrations provided a good environment for investors to continue purchasing Indonesian stocks (despite uncertainty about Indonesia's subsidized fuel policy. Moreover, positive Asian stock indices - in combination with positive European openings on Wednesday - made the Indonesia Stock Index (IHSG) rise to a new record level of 5,060.92 points on Wednesday (01/05/13), a 0.53 percent gain.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Reaches Beyond Psychological Boundary

    Even though American and European stock indices were positive on Monday (in fact S&P 500 set a new record) it did not impact directly on the performance of Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) on Tuesday (30/04/13). In the first session, the IHSG's peak at 5,014 points was only short-lived and quickly lowered again. In the second session, however, the index started to show more solid growth (despite the ongoing uncertainty about Indonesia's subsidized fuel price) as Asian stock markets were mostly up.

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