Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports PT PMA

  • Facebook to Open Limited Liability Company in Indonesia

    Leading American online social media and social networking service Facebook will open a permanent business entity (a foreign limited liability company, in Indonesian: perseroan terbatas penanaman modal asing, or PT PMA) in Indonesia later this month. The move is in line with Indonesian government requests. Earlier, Facebook only operated a representative office in Jakarta.

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  • Indonesia Wants Internet-Based Firms to Establish Local Entity or Be Blocked

    The world's Internet giants that provide services in Indonesia (such as social media platforms) are encouraged to establish a permanent presence in Indonesia in the form of a representative office or foreign investment company (PT PMA) hence becoming taxable entities. If not, their services can be blocked by Indonesian authorities. Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro informed reporters about this plan on Monday (29/02). Although he declined to mention any names, it is assumed Brodjonegoro refers to social media platforms and those that sell products/services to the massive online audience of Indonesia.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 19 July 2015 Released

    On 19 July 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic subjects such the ADB’s updated economic growth forecasts for the Asian region, Indonesia’s interest rates regime, the June trade balance, the ASEAN Open Skies policy, an update on Indonesia’s palm oil industry, and more.

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  • Foreign Ownership Indonesian Property; Is it Possible?

    Without giving details about the time frame, Indonesian Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said that the government will soon allow foreigners to own luxurious apartments in Indonesia. This move would be the government’s latest move to boost the slowing economy. Currently, private foreign individuals cannot purchase property or own land in Indonesia. This prohibition has been in place for many years as Indonesian authorities were concerned that foreign ownership of Indonesian property and land would surge significantly.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 17 August 2014 Released

    On 17 August 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such as the performance of the rupiah exchange rate, plantations, Freeport Indonesia, economic growth, electricity, property, guidelines for the construction of a PT PMA, and more.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 10 August 2014 Released

    On 10 August 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such as economic growth in the second quarter, July inflation, the June trade balance, company profiles of PP London Sumatra Indonesia and Perusahaan Listrik Negara, guidelines for the construction of a PT PMA, and more.

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Latest Columns PT PMA

  • Foreign Investment in Indonesia's Processed Food & Beverage Industry

    Foreign investment in Indonesia's processed food and beverage industry is expected to have surpassed the level of USD $1 billion in the first half of 2016. Adhi Lukman, General Chairman of the Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (GAPMMI), informed that this result is much better compared to last year when foreign investment in the full-year only reached USD $1.5 billion. He added that foreign investment in the processed food and beverage industry (including food ingredients) is dominated by Asian countries, specifically Japan, South Korea and India.

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  • Amendment Foreign Worker Regulation 16 of 2015 - Legal Update Indonesia

    The Minister of Manpower (Minister) regulation number 16 of 2015 on the Procedures to Employ Expatriates (New Foreign Worker Regulation) which we discussed in a previous column, has lead to many complaints from foreign investors due to its stringent rules. As a result of these complaints the Minister of Manpower issued an amendment to the New Foreign Worker Regulation, number 35 of 2015 (Amendment). In this column we discuss the main changes of the Amendment.

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  • Company Register for Foreign Companies (PMA) Indonesia

    A company register for limited liability companies (which include foreign companies in the form of PMA) contains specific information about the company. The company register is open for public and therefore can be consulted by third parties in order to obtain general information about a company. Both local (PT) and foreign companies (PMA) are required to submit to and update company data of the Company Register which is maintained by the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Minister) or a designated officer.

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  • Overview of Termination Compensation in Indonesia

    Indonesian Law number 13 of 2003 regarding Manpower (Labor Law), stipulates four types of termination compensation which are applicable to permanent employees upon termination of their employment agreement: uang pesangon, uang penghargaan masa kerja, uang pisah, and uang penggantian hak. In this legal business column we will explain the exact meaning of each type of termination compensation and how each termination compensation is calculated based on the Labor Law.

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  • Amendment Articles of Association Indonesia

    An amendment to the articles of association of a limited liability company in Indonesia - a PT in case of local investment and PT PMA in case of foreign investment - must be approved by the general meeting of shareholders. Besides approval of the general meeting of shareholders, law number 40 of 2007 (Company Law) requires in certain cases also approval of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Minister). In this column we discuss such specific amendments and we will explain the approval procedure of such amendments.

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  • Articles of Association Indonesia - Content and Requirements

    The articles of association of an Indonesian limited liability company (a PT in case of local investment and PT PMA in case of foreign investment) are initially drafted at the establishment of the company. The articles of association form part of the deed of incorporation. In this week’s column we will discuss the provisions which regulate the content of the articles of association and other relevant requirements, which are set out in the Indonesian law number 40 of 2007 (Company Law).

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  • Legalization Status of Company in Indonesia

    In Indonesia a foreign investment limited liability company (PT PMA) and/or local investment limited liability company (PT) must obtain a Minister’s Decree regarding the legalization of the legal entity status of the company, based on article 7 (4) of law number 40 of 2007 (Company Law). In order to obtain such Minister’s Decree, the founders must submit an application to the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Minister). The exact requirements for submitting such legalization application are stated in article 9 (1) Company Law and Minister regulation number 4 of 2014 (Minister Regulation).

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  • Company Types Limited Liability Company Indonesia

    The limited liability company (local PT or foreign PT PMA) in Indonesia is regulated under law number 40 of 2007 (Company Law). The Company Law sets the minimum establishment requirements for a limited liability company, but does not regulate the different company types for limited liability companies in Indonesia. These are regulated in law number 20 of 2008 (SME Law) which essentially differentiates micro companies, small companies, medium companies and large companies. This column will discuss the differences in company types in Indonesia.

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  • Shareholders Amount Limited Liability Company Indonesia

    Both a foreign investment limited liability company (PT PMA) and local investment limited liability company (PT) must be established by two or more shareholders according to Article 7 of law number 40 of 2007 (Company Law). The shareholders can be individuals and/or legal entities of foreign or Indonesian nationality. In this column we will deepen the minimum requirements as set by the Company Law for shareholders in foreign and local limited liability companies.

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  • Foreign Investment Company: Company Law Indonesia

    The establishment of a foreign investment company in Indonesia is partially regulated by law number 40 of 2007 (Company Law) regarding limited liability companies. The Company Law provides the general corporate requirements for the establishment of both a foreign investment limited liability company (PT PMA) and a local investment limited liability company (PT). In this column we will discuss the establishment requirements for a foreign investment limited liability company (foreign investment company) in Indonesia as regulated in the Company Law.

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