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Berita Hari Ini Tax Breaks

  • Sixth Economic Policy Package Indonesia: Special Economic Zones

    The Indonesian government unveiled its sixth economic stimulus package on Thursday (05/11). This latest package involves tax incentives for investment in Indonesia's special economic zones. Special economic zones are defined as designated areas where natural resources (mined in or around the zone) are processed. Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution said investors can get income tax discounts of between 20 and 100 percent for a duration up to 25 years. These generous tax holidays are designed to attract investment in the country's manufacturing industry.

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  • Indonesia Berencana Memotong Pajak Untuk Mengurangi Volatilitas Rupiah & Mendongkrak Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

    Indonesia berencana untuk memotong pajak yang dikenakan pada para eksportir lokal dalam rangka mendongkrak jumlah cadangan devisa, sambil mendukung rupiah, sebagai bagian dari paket kebijakan yang kedua. Rupiah Indonesia telah melemah 18,1% sejak awal 2015 karena ancaman kenaikan suku bunga AS, rendahnya harga-harga komoditi, dan devaluasi yuan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT). Pemerintah kini berencana untuk memotong pajak penghasilan atas bunga yang didapat para eksportir karena menabung pendapatan usaha ekspor mereka di bank-bank lokal. Saat ini, pajak penghasilan terhadap bunga bank (dari rekening-rekening tabungan) mencapai 20%.

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  • Indonesian Finance Ministry Extends Tax Incentive Pioneering Industries

    Today, the Indonesian government announced it extended a tax incentive for “pioneering” industries. This term refers to those industries that are considered key industries that cause a multiplier effect in the Indonesian economy (hence boosting economic) and provide employment opportunities for the local population. Examples of such industries are oil refinery, infrastructure, maritime transport, telecommunications, downstream metal production and agriculture processing. The extended incentive is effective per 16 August 2015.

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  • Pemerintah Indonesia Menawarkan Keringanan Pajak demi Transaksi Berjalan

    Pada Mei 2015 Pemerintah Indonesia akan menawarkan keringanan pajak pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang mengekspor minimal 30% dari produksi mereka. Pada awal bulan ini, Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo menandatangani sebuah paket kebijakan yang mencakup keringanan pajak untuk para eksportir dan juga keringanan pajak untuk perusahaan-perusahaan multinational yang bersedia mereinvestasi keuntungan di Indonesia daripada mengirimkan keuntungan dan dividen kepada para pemegang saham di luar negeri. Paket ini didesain untuk memperbaiki neraca perdagangan Indonesia (dan neraca transaksi berjalan).

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  • Pemerintah Indonesia Perangi Defisit Transaksi Berjalan

    Setelah serangkaian data ekonomi yang baik (terutama data tenaga kerja di Amerika Serikat) pasar menduga Federal Reserve akan menaikkan tingkat suku bunganya pada kuartal kedua atau ketiga tahun ini dan karenanya dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) dapat bullish momentum (hampir menjadi posisi tertinggi selama 11 tahun terakhir). Karena prediksi yield yang lebih tinggi di AS, modal kembali masuk ke negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di dunia ini. Pada saat yang sama, hal ini menimbulkan kerugian besar pada mata uang di negara-negara berkembang, termasuk nilai tukar rupiah yang turun 6% terhadap dollar AS pada tahun ini.

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  • New Tax Incentives to Create a Better Investment Climate in Indonesia

    Head of the Finance Ministry's fiscal agency Bambang Brodjonegoro said that the Indonesian government is preparing tax incentives to spur foreign investments. The new regulation will extend the previous expired one and also provides new incentives that make investing in Indonesia more attractive. One possible change concerns the minimum value of investments. Currently, investments between IDR 1 trillion - 20 trillion receive the same benefits. However, this may be revised in such a way that the bigger the investment, the better the incentives.

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  • Roadmap for Indonesia's Textile and Textile Products Industry

    About 1.80 percent of global demand for textiles and textile products is met by Indonesian textile exports according to Indonesia's Ministry of Industry. The value of the country's textile exports is estimated at USD $12.6 billion. However - and in line with Indonesia's economic expansion - the ministry targets to meet four to five percent of overseas textile demand. The ministry asked the Indonesian Textile Association (API) to prepare a roadmap together for expansion.

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Artikel Terbaru Tax Breaks

  • Pemerintah Indonesia Akan Memotong Pajak Penghasilan Pribadi dan Perusahaan

    Ada berita baik untuk para pembayar pajak di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia merencanakan untuk menurunkan pajak penghasilan pribadi, yang saat ini berkisar antara 5% sampai 30%, di awal 2016. Menteri Keuangan Indonesia Bambang Brodjonegoro mengatakan pajak penghasilan yang lebih rendah akan mempermudah para pembayar pajak untuk mematuhi hukum pajak, sambil mendongkrak daya beli masyarakat. Kendati begitu, dia menolak untuk menginformasikan jumlah pengurangan pajak penghasilan pribadi karena hal ini masih dalam tahap penelitian.

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  • Pajak Indonesia: Mendongkrak Pendapatan Pajak Melalui Kebijakan Baru

    Seorang pejabat pemerintah berposisi tinggi mengatakan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia berencana memotong pajak perusahaan secara bertahap dari 25% pada saat ini menjadi di bawah 18% dalam usaha untuk membuat Indonesia menjadi tempat yang lebih menarik untuk melakukan bisnis. Luhut Panjaitan, Kepala Staf Presiden Joko Widodo, mengkonfirmasi bahwa Widodo telah memerintahkan tindakan pajak yang terbaru ini. Selama beberapa minggu terakhir kita telah melihat pengumuman sejumlah kebijakan pajak baru karena pemerintah bertekad untuk mendongkrak pengumpulan pajak sebesar 30% di 2015.

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  • Revised Tax Holiday and Tax Allowance to Attract Investments in Indonesia

    Apart from the five tax incentives that I have mentioned in a previous column, the Indonesian government also intends to ease two other tax rules in order to boost investments in Indonesia from 2014 onwards. These are the tax holiday and tax allowance. Relaxation of the tax holiday involves an alteration to the period as well as the size of the investment, and relaxation of procedural difficulties. Relaxation of the tax allowance involves the revision of the number of sectors that are eligible and a relaxation of procedures in the form of tax clearance.

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  • Indonesian Government Prepares Seven Incentives to Spur Investments

    The government of Indonesia is busy preparing seven tax incentives to boost investment flows in 2014. Investments currently account for approximately 32 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Only domestic consumption owns a larger stake towards the economy with 55 percent. The regulatory framework related to the seven incentives is expected to be finalized by the end of this year. The incentives consist of five new ones and the relaxation of two older incentives, namely the tax holiday and tax allowance.

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  • Fiscal Incentives to Stimulate Investments in Indonesia's Oil and Gas Exploration

    The Indonesian government - through its Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry - has stated to provide fiscal incentives to encourage oil and gas exploration in Indonesia. Indonesia, a former OPEC member, has recorded a declining oil production since the 1990s due to a lack of exploration and investments in this sector. To reverse this situation, the government will provide a number of tax exemptions.

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