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Berita Hari Ini Oil

  • Indonesia Stock Market Update: China GDP & Oil in Focus

    The spotlight is - as usual - on China today as the world's second-largest economy released various macroeconomic data and markets' reaction toward these data will determine where stocks are heading for today. Wall Street will not influence Asian markets because this US financial and investment community was closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday. Meanwhile, the crude oil price remains low around USD $29 per barrel.

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  • Global Selloff Continues on Low Crude Oil and China Turmoil

    Asian stocks are again in deep red territory on Thursday (14/01), led by Chinese shares (which are on track to enter a bear market) as well as Japanese shares. It means that the rebound that had occurred earlier this week - caused by positive export data from China - was short-lived. The continued slide of oil prices (below USD $30 per barrel) and turmoil in China cause money to flow away from equity and fragile emerging market currencies.

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  • Rendahnya Harga Minyak Dapat Mengganggu Produksi Minyak di Indonesia

    Meskipun harga minyak agak membaik dari posisi terendah dalam 12 tahun terakhir pada hari Jumat (08/01) karena rebound pasar saham Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT), ada kekuatiran bahwa Indonesia tidak akan mencapai target lifting minyak 2016 karena produsen minyak di negara ini menjadi kurang bersemangat untuk meningkatkan produksi saat harga minyak lemah. Kemarin, minyak Brent turun ke 32,16 dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) per barel - tingkat terendah sejak 2004 - setelah RRT mendevaluasi yuan dan saham RRT anjlok lebih dari 7% yang menyebabkan terjadinya mekanisme circuit-breaking, bahkan menyebabkan penjualan saham global secara besar-besaran.

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  • Mengapa Saham dan Rupiah Indonesia Melemah Hari Ini?

    Berlawan dengan harapan, saham Indonesia dan rupiah memiliki awal yang lemah di tahun yang baru. Pada hari Senin (4/1) Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 1,46% menjadi 4.525,92 poin, sementara rupiah terdepresiasi 0,82% menjadi Rp 13.943 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Kinerja saham Indonesia ini sejalan dengan kinerja saham di seluruh dunia. Perdagangan saham Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) bahkan dihentikan dua kali karena indeksnya merosot. Apa yang terjadi hari ini?

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  • Harga Minyak Mencapai Level Terendah Selama 11 Tahun, Batubara & Gas Tertekan

    Meskipun musim dingin telah tiba, harga minyak dunia masih menurun. Hari ini (21/12), harga minyak mentah Brent jatuh ke level terendah sejak 2004 karena kekuatiran yang berkelanjutan tentang berlimpahnya suplai global karena Energy Information Administration melaporkan bahwa suplai minyak mentah AS naik 4,8 juta barel menjadi 490,7 juta pada minggu kedua bulan Desember, sementara tingkat produksi OPEC mencapai 31,7 juta barel per hari (bph) pada bulan November 2015. Sementara itu, permintaan minyak diperkirakan akan turun di tahun 2016. Sebagai contoh, konsumsi minyak di AS diperkirakan akan turun menjadi 1,2 juta bph tahun depan, dari 1,8 bph pada tahun 2015.

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  • Indonesia Terfokus pada Energi Terbarukan, Bukan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir

    Indonesia kemungkinan besar akan membatalkan rencananya untuk mengembangkan empat pabrik nuklir (dengan kapasitas gabungan 6 GW) pada tahun 2025. Sudirman Said, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Indonesia, baru-baru ini mengatakan ada banyak alternatif - khususnya energi terbarukan - di Indonesia untuk memenuhi target pemerintah meningkatkan kapasitas daya sebesar 136,7 GW pada tahun 2025 dan 430 GW pada tahun 2050. Tenaga nuklir kontroversial karena risiko kesehatan, kerusakan lingkungan dan proliferasi nuklir (bila digunakan sebagai senjata). Bencana nuklir di Jepang pada tahun 2011 menyoroti risiko menggunakan tenaga nuklir.

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  • Net Oil Importer Indonesia Officially Rejoined OPEC

    Per 4 December 2015 Indonesia officially rejoined the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), seven years after the country had voluntarily exited the organization as it had turned in to a net oil importer. On the 168th meeting of the OPEC, held in Vienna (Austria), OPEC President (and Nigeria's Oil Minister) Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu welcomed Indonesia back into the organization. At the meeting Indonesia was represented by Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said.

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  • Can Indonesia Cut Gasoline Imports and Stop Diesel Imports in 2016?

    As Indonesia's oil production is expected to rise while a new oil refinery in Tuban (East Java) has started to come online, Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets to stop imports of diesel fuel altogether and cut imports of gasoline fuel by 30 percent in 2016. The refinery in Tuban is owned by Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama, which was recently acquired by Indonesia's state-owned energy company Pertamina.

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  • Oil & Gas Blocks for Sale in Indonesia: Profit Sharing Made more Attractive

    The government of Indonesia decided to offer more attractive profit sharing schemes in order to lure investors to invest the nation’s oil & gas blocks. In September, the government plans to auction a total of eight oil & gas blocks with a profit sharing of 30 percent to 35 percent for oil, and 35 percent to 40 percent for gas. The majority of profit will still go to the government. Usually, the government offers a 15 percent profit share for oil and a 30 percent profit share for gas to investors.

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  • Oil News: Indonesia Rejoins OPEC in December after Seven Year Hiatus

    After a seven-year hiatus Indonesia will rejoin the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) as a full member in December 2015. A statement on the website of the OPEC states that all members approved reactivating Indonesia’s full membership in the organization. At the next OPEC meeting, scheduled for 4 December 2015 in Vienna (Austria), Indonesia will be formally admitted back into the OPEC.

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Artikel Terbaru Oil

  • Global Crude Oil Prices Decline to Historic Lows, How Does It Affect Indonesia?

    Besides the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, another big news story in March 2020 was the massive decline of global crude oil prices. Not only is the price of oil under pressure because of the enormous slowdown in economic activity as various governments have imposed restrictions (such as travel bans) in an attempt to curb the further spread of the coronavirus, but there also emerged big tensions between some of the world’s biggest oil producers that led to tumbling oil prices.

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  • What Are Indonesia's Top Foreign Exchange Earners?

    Foreign exchange earnings are important assets for a national economy. Therefore, many nations have recently been taking a much more protectionist approach vis-à-vis trade in an effort to strengthen their trade positions, generate trade surpluses, hence see the inflow of more foreign exchange earnings. Foreign exchange assets support a stable local currency as well as economy.

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  • Oil & Gas News Indonesia: Banyu Urip Field Hit New Peak

    Crude oil production at the Banyu Urip field (part of the Cepu Block) in East Java has reached 201,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd). This peak is reached about three years after operations started at the Banyu Urip field. Considering Indonesia set a 825,000 (bpd) oil production target in the state budget, it implies the Banyu Urip field now accounts for almost a quarter of total (targeted) crude oil production across Indonesia.

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  • Oil & Indonesia: Interview with Economist Lana Soelistianingsih

    An interesting interview with Lana Soelistianingsih was published in Indonesian tabloid Kontan, a magazine that focuses on the economy and financial markets of Indonesia. Soelistianingsih is Head of Economy at Samuel Aset Manajemen as well as a teacher at the Economics Department of the University of Indonesia. The topic of the interview is crude oil.

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  • The Impact of Low Oil Prices on Listed Companies in Indonesia

    Overall, low crude oil prices are problematic for stock markets as low prices indicate the world economy is not expanding on full throttle. This curbs investors' risk appetite. Particularly those companies that are active in the oil industry (or in related industries) will likely face declining share prices. However, there are also positive effects of low oil prices. For example consumers' purchasing power should improve because prices at the gas pump are lower, while some companies can curb operational costs. Hence, consumer and transportation stocks should actually benefit from low oil prices.

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  • Rising Fuel Demand, Indonesia Needs More Oil Refining Capacity

    Fuel demand in Indonesia already reached 1.6 million barrels per day (bpd). However, oil refining capacity only stands around 1.1 million bpd, implying that 43 percent of fuel consumption in Indonesia needs to be imported from abroad. Oil refining capacity today is roughly the same as it was 15 years ago, meaning that there has been limited progress in development of Indonesia's downstream oil industry. Without adding refining capacity, Indonesia is on track to become the world's largest fuel importer within the next decade.

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  • Oil & Gas Industry: Understanding Indonesia's Cost Recovery Scheme

    Because we have received quite some questions about Indonesia's cost recovery scheme in the oil and gas industry, we decided to devote an article to this topic. Simply put, the oil recovery scheme that the Indonesian government applies in the upstream oil and gas industry concerns the reimbursement of exploration and production costs to oil and gas contractors. This should make oil and gas exploration in Indonesia more attractive and thus stop the two-decade long decline in the nation's oil output.

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